
Oti Region: Rainstorm rips off roof of VRA resettlement quarters in Adokwanta

  Wed, 19 Jun 2024
Social News Oti Region: Rainstorm rips off roof of VRA resettlement quarters in Adokwanta

A rainstorm has caused the destruction of property worth fortunes at Adokwanta in the Krachi East Municipality of the Oti Region.

The storm, which was characterised by strong winds wreaked havoc in the Adokwanta town and surrounding environs following a 40-minute downpour.

Volta River Authority (VRA) resettlement quarters had their roofs ripped off along with some temporal structures.

Nana Agyemang Kwame Obortuo, a sub-chief of the area told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that many people were counting their losses as they no longer had places to lay their heads.

Checks by the GNA indicated that a number of the displaced persons were stranded while some were perching with relatives.

Some of the victims, who spoke to the GNA said they had been left stranded with their families as all their houses had been affected by the disaster.

Speaking to the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE), Mr. Charles Gyamfi Boateng said his outfit was yet to receive the devastation and will conduct a thorough assessment of the situation.

