
You couldn't even name a street, anything after your late boss Atta Mills; a Mayor did — Anyidoho blasts Mahama

Headlines Koku Anyodoho [left] and John Mahama
Koku Anyodoho [left] and John Mahama

Samuel Koku Anyidoho, a former presidential spokesperson for the late President John Evans Atta Mills, has criticised former President John Dramani Mahama for not adequately honouring the memory of tghe late president.

Anyidoho, a frequent critic of Mahama and the NDC, pointed out that during Mahama’s time in office, no national monuments or significant landmarks were named after the late Mills at the regional or national level.

In an X post dated June 18, 2024, Anyidoho highlighted that it was the then-Mayor of Accra, Alfred Oko Vanderpuije, now MP for Ablekuma South, who named a road in Accra after the late President.

"As we continue to speak to facts, do you know that apart from Oko Vanderpuije using his position as Mayor of Accra to name the High Street after President Atta Mills, JM on his own did NOT name anything after his late boss?" Anyidoho quizzed.

Anyidoho has previously accused Mahama of neglecting Asomdwee Park, where Mills was buried.

The park was recently refurbished through a collaboration between Anyidoho’s Atta Mills Institute and the Coastal Development Authority (CoDA).

In August 2012, shortly after Mills' death, the Accra Metropolitan Assembly, led by Vanderpuije, resolved to name the Accra High Street "Evans Atta Mills Street" and a new school at the Salvation Army Cluster of Schools "President Evans Atta Mills Educational Center of Excellence" in honour of the late president.

The decision took effect before Mills’ burial on August 10, 2012.

Gideon Afful Amoako
Gideon Afful Amoako

News ReporterPage: GideonAffulAmoako
