
My resignation as Special Prosecutor was both strategic and tactical, not cowardice — Martin Amidu

Headlines Martin Amidu, Former Special Prosecutor
Martin Amidu, Former Special Prosecutor

Martin Amidu has rebutted claims that his resignation as Ghana's first Special Prosecutor in November 2020 was an act of cowardice.

In a written response to accusations leveled against him, the former anti-graft fighter declared that his decision to resign was a carefully calculated strategic and tactical move, rather than cowardice as portrayed by his critics.

Amidu, who says he was recently called a 'coward' in relation to statements he made in a 64-page corruption risk assessment report during his tenure as SP, addressed the allegations by comparing himself to the leadership style of Otto von Bismarck, the 19th century German Chancellor.

“My resignation as the Special Prosecutor on 16 November 2020 after the death of Jerry Rawlings was both strategic and tactical to prevent the execution of the transaction and not cowardice,” he stated.

Amidu explained that as a historian well-versed in strategy and tactics, his resignation was a well-thought-out maneuver aimed at thwarting what he described as a "suspicious transaction" uncovered in his corruption risk assessment, rather than an act stemming from cowardice.

He likened his approach to that of Bismarck, who adopted careful foreign policies and diplomacy after uniting Germany to prevent expansionist wars, actions which earned him the label of a "coward" by some.

Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

News ReporterPage: IsaacDonkorDistinguished
