Thu, 13 Jun 2024 Religion

Bishop Dag Heward-Mills holds massive crusade in Angola

Bishop Dag Heward-Mills holds massive crusade in Angola

Thousands of people gathered from all over Lubango to hear the message of the Gospel from Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills at the recently concluded Healing Jesus Campaign in Angola.

The campaign lasted for four nights, during which the evangelist preached about Jesus.

At a press conference before the campaign began, Dag Heward-Mills was asked why he had come to Angola. He replied, "Jesus Christ is the same as He was preached in the Bible.


He will heal, He will save, and He will deliver. Jesus is what we need; without Christ, there is nothing. So I am here about Jesus." Indeed, anyone who attended the crusade would attest to the fact that Jesus was present to heal, deliver, and save.

One of the many wonderful miracles that took place at the crusade was that of an 18-year-old boy who had never walked since birth. During prayer time, the power of God touched him, and he received the strength to start walking. The celebration of the crowd was palpable as the young man walked to the stage to give his testimony.

About Dag Heward-Mills
Dag Heward-Mills is a healing evangelist, mega-church pastor, bestselling Christian author, and international conference speaker. Born in 1963 to a Swiss mother and Ghanaian father, he attended Achimota Secondary School, where he gave his life to Christ and developed a passion for God. For his tertiary education, he attended the University of Ghana Medical School and started the Lighthouse Chapel International Church.


After medical school, he felt led by the Lord to enter full-time ministry. With over 30 years in ministry, Bishop Dag now leads one of the largest ministries in the world. His church, the United Denominations Originating from the Lighthouse Group of Churches, spans nearly 4,000 branches in about 90 different countries. Bishop Dag has authored over 100 books on topics ranging from pastoral ministry to everyday Christian living. Some of his bestsellers include “Loyalty and Disloyalty,” “The Mega Church,” “Church Growth: It Is Possible,” “Model Marriage,” and many others. The lives of many Christians around the world have been greatly impacted by his writings.

Another arm of Bishop Dag’s ministry is the Healing Jesus Campaign, which he founded due to his passion for the lost. Dag Heward-Mills believes that the purpose of the church is to fulfill the Great Commission that Jesus gave: to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

The healing Jesus Campaign
Dag Heward-Mills is undoubtedly one of the leading evangelists of our time. He founded the Healing Jesus Campaign with the aim of winning 100 million souls for Christ. Since its inception, the Healing Jesus Campaign has visited over 200 cities across the continent of Africa. Under the leadership of Bishop Dag, the campaign has won over 10 million souls for the kingdom of God.

The largest crusade, which took place in Ofa, Nigeria, recorded an attendance of half a million people. Each night of a Healing Jesus Campaign, thousands of people are saved and delivered from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. Over the years, Dag Heward-Mills and the Healing Jesus Campaign have witnessed the deaf hearing, the blind seeing, the lame walking, the dead being raised, and many other miraculous healings.

New converts at each crusade are given a book about salvation written by the Evangelist. To further establish the new converts, a power conference is held the next morning to activate the gift of speaking in tongues.

Miracles and Manifestations in Angola
The miracles that took place at the Healing Jesus Campaign in Angola were truly a sight to behold. After the altar call, Bishop Dag asked all those who needed healing to place their hands on the affected area of their body. He proclaimed to the crowd that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. After praying for the sick each night, he encouraged all those who experienced the healing touch of God to share their testimonies of what God had done for them. Many came forward to testify.


Some of the testimonies included an 18-year-old boy who was crippled from birth being touched by the power of God, many blind people receiving their sight, and many who had difficulty walking also receiving healing. Many were also delivered from demonic powers every night of the crusade. People could be heard screaming and rolling on the floor during the time of deliverance.

All these manifestations were evidence of God's approval of the evangelist's ministry. Mark 16:20 tells us, "And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following." Everywhere the Gospel is preached, God confirms it with signs and wonders.

The miracles and manifestations that took place in Angola were God's way of confirming that the gospel is true. Acts 10:38 tells us, "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him." God’s power was present to do good and heal all those who were oppressed by the devil.

The Miracle of Salvation
God's power was also present to perform the greatest miracle in Angola: the miracle of salvation. Many people are unaware of what a great miracle salvation is. The message of the gospel is the power of God to save anyone who believes in it. Each night of the crusade, Dag Heward-Mills preached the simple message of the gospel. His preaching style made the gospel easy to understand for everyone present.


When the evangelist made the altar call to invite anyone who wanted to give their life to Christ, thousands came forward to accept Jesus as their Lord and personal Savior. All these new converts were given free books written by Bishop Dag to help them on their new journey of salvation. Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He commanded His disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

The commission of the church has always been to go and not to remain in one place. For 20 years, the Healing Jesus Campaign has been on a quest to obey the great commission of Jesus Christ to go.

Pastors Conference in Angola
In every city visited by the Healing Jesus Campaign, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills holds a pastors' conference for local pastors. During these conferences, he shares his knowledge and experience from over 30 years of ministry. The pastors' conference in Angola was particularly impactful, as the evangelist taught the attending pastors from his books. He covered topics such as honor in ministry, faithfulness, and the anointing. He urged all pastors to maintain an attitude of honor toward their father figures in ministry.


On the last day of the conference, he focused on the anointing, sharing the story of how he himself became anointed. One night, while fasting and praying and listening to a tape by Kenneth Hagin, he had a supernatural encounter with God that changed the course of his life and ministry. As he listened to the tape, he felt something jump from it into his belly, and he heard God say, "From today, you can teach." Since that day, his church, which started in a classroom, has grown to become one of the largest ministries in the world.

He encouraged the pastors in Angola to repeatedly listen to anointed preaching, as it is a key to receiving an anointing for ministry. He cited Ezekiel 2:2: "And the Spirit entered into me when he spake unto me, and set me upon my feet, that I heard him that spake unto me." The pastors in Angola were also given all of the evangelist's books free of charge.

Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills is one of the most influential figures in Ghana, contributing to the country's positive international reputation. At the age of 61, he continues to aim to spread the message of the gospel to every corner of the world. Angola will definitely not remain the same after the visit from the Healing Jesus Campaign. The power of God was present to heal, save, and deliver each night of the campaign in Angola.

The Healing Jesus Campaign holds about three seasons of crusades every year, visiting several cities each season. This season's crusades also included towns like Waa and Tumu in the northern region of Ghana. Notably, during the crusades in Ghana, free medical care was provided for the towns. The Healing Jesus Campaign also distributed free mattresses, cutlasses, and clothing to attendees. Indeed, through the efforts of the healing Jesus campaign ,many are being translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light.

Attractive Mustapha Nii Okai Inusah
Attractive Mustapha Nii Okai Inusah

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