Thu, 30 May 2024 Politics

“We’ve confidence in your leadership” — GRASAG tells Mahama

  Thu, 30 May 2024
“We’ve confidence in your leadership” — GRASAG tells Mahama

The Graduates Students Association of Ghana (GRASAG) has applauded flagbearer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Mr John Dramani Mahama for his vision to build a nation that was inclusive, progressive, and resilient.

According to the Association, it was ready to work alongside former President Mahama, leveraging its collective strengths to build a robust nation that worked for all.

Mr Emmanuel Owusu, President of the Association said “Your distinguished leadership and dedication to build a better Ghana for all will leave an indelible mark on our nation's history.

“Your tenure as President was marked by significant strides in infrastructure development, healthcare, education, and economic growth. Today, we are eager to hear your insights and vision for the future of Ghana, particularly as it pertains to the youth, who represent the engine of our country’s progress.”

Speaking at the maiden GRASAG Presidential Lecture Series held at the University of Cape Coast (UCC) on Tuesday, Mr Owusu said: “We believe in your leadership.”

The Presidential Lecture Series seek to enquire about promises and policies made by the political class and to collaborate with government, political parties, CSOs and other stakeholders to implement policies that uplift the youth and propel the nation forward.

Mr Owusu highly hailed the 24-hour economy policy of former President Mahama saying it was central to emancipating the country from its economic doldrums.

He pointed out that the well-thought-out policy was a first-rate intervention for stimulating innovation, attracting investment, fostering sustainable growth, and positioning Ghana as a competitive player in the global market.

“Our Research Directorate conducted our first Policy Research Index survey aimed at using research to influence and shape national development on the NDC's much talked about “24-hour Economy policy.”

“The findings highlighted in our research report suggest that the 24-hour economy policy promises to unlock new trade opportunities for Ghana, create jobs, and enhance the living standards of our citizens.”

“The GRASAG community is particularly excited about this policy, as it will directly address the pressing needs of youth unemployment and propel the nation's progress.”

The President of GRASAG rallied the collective support, of Ghanaians towards sustainable economic recovery by embracing new and innovative policies to improve lives.

“GRASAG believe nation-building is not the responsibility of a single individual or organization. It is a collective effort that requires the dedication and collaboration of all citizens.

“At GRASAG, we are committed to playing our part in this noble endeavour. We recognize that education, innovation, and entrepreneurship are key drivers of sustainable development.

“Therefore, we are focused on empowering our members with the skills, knowledge, and opportunities necessary to excel in these areas,” he noted.

Former President Mahama in a speech read on his behalf by Prof Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang, his running mate, reiterated the much-touted 24hour Economic policy as a game changer that would massively improve the economic fortunes of the country.

“The 24-hour economy now remains the surest way to achieve significant economic expansion, boost productivity, meet demand, curb unbridled imports and its attendant negative effects on our economy and currency.

“Above all generate well-paying jobs for the millions of our people who are without employment.

“I am encouraged by the very positive feedback and input we continue to receive on the proposal from our compatriots in organised labour, academia, business and industry,” he added.

