
Mahama Storms NDC Uk/Ireland Chapter Event

  Sat, 11 May 2024
NDC Mahama Storms NDC Uk/Ireland Chapter Event

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) celebrated a significant milestone with the inauguration of its 20th branch in the United Kingdom and Ireland, a momentous event hosted in Aldershot. The occasion was graced by esteemed personalities, including former President H.E. John Dramani Mahama, whose unexpected appearance added an extra layer of excitement and joy to the gathering. The unanticipated visit elicited enthusiastic cheers and applause from members and guests alike, echoing throughout the venue with an energy that seemed to reverberate for miles. Fortunately, the sturdy architecture of the Georgian Gothic building ensured that the jubilant the atmosphere did not bring the roof down despite the thunderous reception H. E. John Mahama's arrival.

Notable dignitaries included the party's General Secretary, Hon. Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, and other distinguished figures, such as Hon. Kwame Agbodza, MP for Adaklu and Minority Chief Whip, Hon. Emmanuel Bedzrah, MP for Ho West, Hon. Theresa Awuni, MP for Okaikoi North, Hon. Ludwig Hlodze, Director of Protocol and Logistics, Mr. Conrad Dumbah, Chairman of the NDC UK and Ireland Chapter, and the Chapter Executives, joined the event. This gathering of influential figures underscores the significance of the NDC's expansion efforts in the region.

In recent years, the NDC has witnessed a surge in popularity in the United Kingdom and Ireland, prompting a series of expansions to meet the growing demand from Ghanaian communities in various cities. The inauguration of the Aldershot branch represents a milestone in the party's endeavour to establish a presence across the UK and Ireland.

Addressing the assembled party faithful, former President H.E John Dramani Mahama, who became the special guest of the occasion, congratulated the Aldershot branch and the entire UK and Ireland Chapter for achieving this success. He commended the party's new national executives for fostering a conducive environment and implementing structures that have resonated with Ghanaians from all walks of life.

H.E. John Mahama stressed the imperative of unity and hard work as the party prepares for the pivotal 2024 general elections.

H. E. John Mahama underscored the significance of the upcoming elections, framing them not as a mere contest between political parties but as a critical juncture for Ghana's future. He emphasised that the 2024 elections transcend partisan politics, characterising it as " between Ghana and the Akyem cabals and it associates, because there are some who are not Akyem, but they are associated with the family.” In other words, it is a choice between Ghana's interests and the influence of certain vested interests.

Expressing concern over Ghana's healthcare, education, and State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), which were making profits, are now making losses due to the detrimental impact of corruption and nepotism. He lamented the decline of once profitable entities such as the Produce Buying Companies, Ghana Industrial Holding Corporation (GIHOC), and Tema Oil Refinery (TOR) and the sorry state of the Ghana Cocoa Industry, citing them as evidence of systemic issues plaguing the country.

30% of Ghana's total cocoa exports were bought by the Produce Buying Company during the 2016–17 crop year; however, PBC now purchases none at 0%. PBC has not paid its employees for a period of ten months, and banks are seizing its properties due to nonpayment of credit.

GIHOC Distilleries was one of the state-owned businesses that performed the best under my leadership. Through its operations, the corporation generated capital, which it then used to invest independently in new production lines. GIHOC is hardly recognisable nowadays. It is having trouble covering employee salaries.

Looking beyond the elections, H. E John Mahama articulated his commitment to addressing Ghana's challenges and revitalising the economy to create job opportunities, particularly for the youth, “I’m thinking beyond the elections, to turn things around as quickly as possible, that is what agitates my mind more than just winning the elections”. He disclosed that the NPP are aware of their imminent defeat in the 2024 general elections and have resorted to signing contracts with the propensity to commit the country before they leave office. “I want to use this platform to send a strong message to all investors and contractors out there that they should not sign any contract with the current NPP (Akuffo Addo-Bawumia) government from now till 7th January 2025, please don’t sign”

He divulged that the government had just signed a contract for GHC 2.5 billion to dualise the Accra-Winneba road. Meanwhile, the government owes GHC 77 billion in road construction, which it can’t pay. He warned against dubious contracts being signed by the incumbent government, cautioning against commitments that could burden the nation's future, as his government will not recognise any of these dubious agreements.

The party's general secretary of the party Hon Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, echoed Mahama's sentiments, emphasising the formidable challenge of the incumbent party's desperation to cling to power. He decried the alleged land-grabbing and corruption within the ruling party and called for restoring Ghana's dignity through electoral victory. Hon. Kwetey underscored the NDC's commitment to accountability, declaring that the party would not shield members engaged in corruption. He urged party members to prioritise Ghana's interests over personal gain, emphasising the need for honesty and integrity in governance.

During the event, the chairman of the occasion, Hon. Kwame Governs Agbodza, MP for Adaklu and Minority Chief Whip, posed thought-provoking questions regarding the original plans and vision of the NPP under the leadership of Akufo-Addo-Bawumia upon assuming office. He queried, "What are the fundamental objectives of the NPP for the Ashanti region and Ghana as a whole?" Furthermore, he highlighted the relevance of initiatives such as the 24-hour economy in light of the prevailing economic challenges. Hon. Agbodza emphasised the importance of dignity in serving the nation, urging members of the NDC who may assume leadership roles to do so with a keen eye on the welfare of future generations.

In his address, Hon. Emmanuel Bedzrah criticised the Akufo-Addo-Bawumia government for failing to deliver on promises. He advocated for Mahama's leadership to steer the country back on track towards development. He reassured party members of favourable poll outcomes but cautioned against complacency.

Hon. Ludwig Hlodze hailed H.E. John Mahama as a beacon of hope for Ghana and called on Ghanaians to rally behind the NDC for a prosperous future. He emphasised the importance of hard work in securing victory in the 2024 elections.

Hon. Theresa Awuni appealed to NDC diaspora members to mobilise support for the party's electoral success, emphasising the importance of unity and dedication in achieving their goals.

The discourse at the inauguration reflects the NDC's commitment to democratic principles, accountability, and national development, setting a compelling narrative for its future endeavours in Ghana and abroad.

Source: NDC UK/Ireland Chapter Communication Bureau
