
Kwahu Mountain Marathon ignites regional athletic competitiveness

General News Kwahu Mountain Marathon ignites regional athletic competitiveness

The regional athletic competitiveness at the inter-school level was ignited once again during the fifth edition of the Kwahu Mountain Marathon at the weekend with Ashanti, Volta, Eastern, Greater Accra, Upper West, and North East Regions, as well as the Ghana Armed Forces, Kenya, and Benin.

The Kwahu Mountain Marathon, on the theme “Stronger Together—Running into the Future,” was a 21-kilometer mountain marathon that started from Nkwakwa GOIL Filling Station through the mountains to Obomeng all the way and ended at the forecourt of the Kwahu Traditional Council at Mpraeso.

With police dispatch riders leading the athletes, people along the route cheered them on while climbing the steep mountain, with green vegetation on both sides of the road, which offered fresh and extra energy for the athletes.

The event, organized by the Marathon Foundation, Ghana, in collaboration with the Kwahu Traditional Council and endorsed by the Ghana Athletics Association, also served as a side attraction for the hundreds of people who have pitched camp at Kwahu for the Easter festivities.

At the end of the endurance marathon, Wesley Kemboi of Kenya picked the first position, Ishmael Arthur of the Ghana Armed Forces picked the second position, and Ezra Kiplangat, also from Kenya, picked the third position for the men.

Azure Elizabeth of the Ghana Armed Forces picked the first position, Ayade Colette from Benin picked the second position, and Salamatu Aziah from Ashanti Region picked the third position for the women's competition.

Forty athletes, comprising 20 females and 20 males, were awarded at a colourful ceremony at the forecourt of the Kwahu Traditional Council, which was graced by traditional leaders from Kwahu.

Mr. Francis Ameyibor, Executive Director of the Marathon Foundation, Ghana, commended the Chiefs and people from Kwahu for their solidarity, the Ghana Police for providing security, scores of health professionals, staff of the Kwahu Traditional Council, and the Ghana Athletics Association.

Mr. Ameyibor also commended GOIL PLC, Engen Ghana Limited, the National Lotteries Authority, and Dzata Cement for their commitment to support the Marathon Foundation, Ghana, in the organization of the Kwahu Mountain Marathon and other events to be rolled out later in the year.

The Marathon Foundation, Ghana Executive Director, noted that regular running aids in weight management as it burns calories effectively and boosts metabolism; additionally, marathon training contributes to the development of strong muscles and bones, thus reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

Explaining the route for the marathon, Dr. Edward Kwadwo Boahen, Operations Director, Marathon Foundation, Ghana, said the foundation seeks to use the marathon to create a unique platform for the youth to exhibit their talents and grab an opportunity to participate in international competitions.

He said they also seek to promote a unique long-distance race on the mountain, use sports as a tool for promoting health, physical fitness, and tourism, and create a unique platform to harness talent.



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