Thu, 08 Feb 2024 Feature Article

Senator Dickson: The Man, His Philosophy (1)

Senator DicksonSenator Dickson

The aphorism that if you don't stand for something, you will fall for something is an eternal truth. Every human mortal is imbued with some innate values, principles and Philosophy. These principles guide action and the worldview of the individual. The philosophy of a man's life also shapes his destiny. Afterall, destinies are made in the infinite but perfected by man on earth.

In 1953, Anthony Enahoro stood for something. He became the first Nigerian to move the motion for Nigeria's independence which was eventually granted in 1960. He was one of the Fathers of Nigeria. Mokwugo Okoye was a politician; soldier, scholar, activist, businessman, administrator and author. Stricken with the palsy of candour, Mokwugo Okoye is like the proverbial big masquerade which moral stature was like a colossus. Okoye was different from most of his contemporaries. His voice was an abbreviation of truth, ardour and candour. Dickson pursues his desires and interest with the vivacity of Gideon Urhobo and the morality of Mokwugo Okoye.

Mahatma Gandhi adopted the philosophy of non-violent struggle for the independence of India. His struggle paid off and in 1947, India was granted independence. Martin Luther King Jn fought for the civil rights of the blacks in America and in 1962, the blacked secured the right to vote, but not without a price.

The modern founded of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew was a stern advocate of pragmatism. For Lee "the ultimate test of the value of a political system" was "whether it helps that society to establish conditions which improve the standard of living for the majority of its people". Pragmatism separated from other leaders. Every leader stands for a philosophy that guides actions.

Back home here in Bayelsa State, Senator Henry Seriake Dickson, former governor of Bayelsa State is one man who stands by certain principles and Philosophy. He is a leader who believes in patriotism to the father land. It was for this reason that when the PDP was at the point of disintegration, the Party identified him as a unifier who brokered peace to restore internal democracy within the party. He has played similar roles in so my many departments of life.

One thing Dickson has going for him is his courage and tenacity of purpose. He is a man who consults a wide range of stakeholders before taking a decision in the interest of the majority of the people in a utilitarian sense. Iiken Dickson to Chief Tony Anineh who takes decisions in the best interest of the people. For example, when Dickson established the University of Africa, there were insinuations that it was his private University. The public now knows the truth. No further comments....

A critical leadership philosophy of Senator Dickson is his doggedness in pan-Ijaw affairs. The zeal might have emanated from his service as legal Adviser to the Ijaw National Congress. It was he who rallied the support of worthy Niger Deltans to resolve the Bini-Gelegele conflict and other festering conflicts in Delta, Rivers among others. He extended similar gesture to Gbaramatu in Delta State and Obolo in Akwa Ibom State.

Dickson created a separate Ministry to cater for Ijaw National Affairs. The Ministry of Culture and Ijaw National Affairs was established as a demonstration of his commitment to the Ijaw Nation. Accordingly, he made appointments in all the States where the Ijaws were domiciled. It was he who exhumed the corpse of Adaka Boro, the Ijaw Hero and brought him home to rest. This is a feat nobody has achieved since the end of the civil war.

The Dickson I know is not a man who makes promises for fun. When he makes one, he has the uncanny ability to fulfill promises. It is against this background that he double-checks in matters verging on public projects and distribution of resources. He also has a knack for quality. This is refected on the quality of projects. He hates sub-standard jobs.

While in office, Senator Dickson was a frugal spender. He respects public funds. Most Bayelsa's remember the cliche "at all at all madam must go market". Most Bayelsans failed to realize that frugality on the part of a Chief Executive is a recipe for efficiency and accountability. We can understand why the former governor made transparency briefing as a significant component of the Restoration Administration. Now in Bayelsa State, transparency briefing is dead.

Behind the mien of the tall, huge leader lies a treasure throve of compassion, simplicity and love. Two areas where Dickson displayed unparalleled compassion were in the areas of health and education. Every month, he sets aside a huge budget to cater to the needs of people who were ill and needed medical attention. There was a media meeting we had with him. In that meeting, Dickson brandished a big notebook and about 12 pages contained the list of people whose medical fees he paid. Although the names were not mentioned, it was obvious that about 47% of the beneficiaries were those he sponsored abroad to the UK, India, South Africa etc for medical treatment. A huge chunk of them were traditional rulers, women and the elderly.

Dickson loves education with a passion, You can understand why he built so many schools in Bayelsa State. As governor of Bayelsa State he built more schools than any other leader in the State. He also established more tertiary Institutions. I have worked with him in and out of government. I know his passion and zeal for education, his love for building the capacity of the youths. I reckon without any fear of contradiction that the most impact Dickson made as a governor is in the area of education. He declared a state of emergency on education, initiated sound policies, which guided the award of scholarships, and the establishment of educational institutions in the State. Like Awolowo, Dickson introduced and implemented free education. Today, Dickson owns Hensard University – the first Private University in Bayelsa State.

As a demonstration of his magnanimity, the visitor of HENSARD University has already awarded scholarships and other incentives to promote egalitarianism in terms of access to quality education.

One of the reasons Dickson is so loved by his followers is his involvement with community development initiatives. He pays homage to all traditional rulers in Ekeremor, Sagbama LGAs and beyond. There is no burial where he does not contribute money and materials to the burial. Dickson loves HUMANITY.

to be contd.
