Mon, 05 Feb 2024 Elections

Election date change: Express your opinion if you disagree with EC; don't make statements that provokes chaos — Nana B 'warns' Mahama

Election date change: Express your opinion if you disagree with EC; don't make statements that provokes chaos — Nana B 'warns' Mahama

Henry Nana Boakye, the National Organizer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has warned former President John Dramani Mahama to choose his words carefully regarding reforms proposed by the Electoral Commission (EC).

The caution follows Mahama's criticism of the EC's proposed reforms for the upcoming general elections, specifically the Commission's intention to change the election date from December 7 to a Tuesday in November.

The change is in reaction to a petition filed by the Seventh-day Adventists and other Ghanaians who argue that holding the election on December 7, a Saturday, would interfere with their Sabbath day observance.

While the EC has accepted the petition and is considering the reform, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and its leader, John Mahama, have opposed the decision.

Mahama expressed concerns that implementing such a change so close to the election could lead to disruptions and erode public confidence in the electoral process.

Discussing the matter on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" morning show, Henry Nana Boakye stated, "We don't want former President Mahama to go to court again. We (NPP) won't go to court because we will win the election.

“We don't want him (Mahama) to go to court again, but we plead with him to be measured in his utterances."

“If the Electoral Commission introduces reforms and you disagree, express your mind, but for him to issue a threat that if it doesn't do this or that, then there will be chaos, I plead with Mr. Mahama to tone down," cautioned Nana B.

Gideon Afful Amoako
Gideon Afful Amoako

News ReporterPage: GideonAffulAmoako
