
Akufo-Addo's election-year projects are 'scam'; don't wear your nice kente to grace his sod-cuttings – Ada MP tell chiefs

  Wed, 17 Jan 2024
Politics Akufo-Addo's election-year projects are 'scam'; don't wear your nice kente to grace his sod-cuttings – Ada MP tell chiefs

Any project or sod-cutting event this year by the NPP government is a scam for votes, the Second Deputy Chief Whip of the Minority Caucus in Parliament, Ms Comfort Doyoe Cudjoe, has warned Ghanaians.

The Ada MP told journalists after an engagement with traditional leaders at Dodowa in Accra, that: “Nobody should believe any government cutting sod in an election".

Particularly to the traditional leaders, she urged: "No chief should worry his head by putting on his beautiful kente cloth following any president in an election-year who is about to exit power, to sit and cut sod for projects; they are just scamming them.”

As the 7 December 2024 general elections approach, the opposition MP also urged her party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) to focus on the polling centres during the elections instead of making Electoral Commission Chair Jean Mensa their target.

“We should not focus on Jean Mensa; let us focus on the branch, which is where you get the win and so protect that ballot in your branch and shine and open your eyes when it is time to do the calculation of the ballots and make sure they do the right calculation."

"If you take your eyes off your polling station, that is where they will scam you and steal the elections, and when it gets to Jean Mensa, whatever they brought to her is what she puts together, so, protect your ballot at the polling station.”

