
Election 2024: Don’t allow politicians to divide us on ethnic, religious lines – GBA president to Ghanaians

By ClassFm
Politics Election 2024: Don’t allow politicians to divide us on ethnic, religious lines – GBA president to Ghanaians

President of the Ghana Bar Association (GBA), Mr Yaw Acheampong Boafo, has delivered a New Year Message urging Ghanaians not to let political differences divide them in the upcoming election year.

Encouraging citizens to exercise their civic rights regardless of political affiliations, Acheampong Boafo emphasised the need for unity, stating, "There is more that unites us than divides us. We must cherish our unity in diversity. Let’s act in the hospitality of our forefathers and not allow politicians in their Machiavellian pursuit of political power to divide us on ethnic, religious, and other divisive pranks."

The GBA President expressed his team's commitment to collaborating with the judiciary, led by Chief Justice Her Ladyship Gertrude Torkonoo, to ensure access to justice reforms.

"We will continue our cooperation with the judiciary, and our Chief Justice, Her Ladyship Justice Gertrude Araba Torkonoo, to ensure access to justice reforms for all Ghanaians and smooth administration of justice," he affirmed.

Addressing the upcoming elections within the GBA, Acheampong Boafo urged for a decorous campaign and election process, stating, "It’s my fervent hope that the campaign and the elections will be conducted with a high level of decorum so that we will have the moral authority to speak truth to our politicians."

He further called on GBA members involved in public life and politics to set high standards, emphasising the shared responsibility as stakeholders in "one Ghana Company Limited."

