
I Am The Voice For The Voiceless In Ghana; Although I Am A Resident Of Europe – Joel Savage

Feature Article I Am The Voice For The Voiceless In Ghana; Although I Am A Resident Of Europe – Joel Savage

Many people have questioned why I live in Europe, but interested in fighting against Akufo Addo's regime. In my opinion, this is a pointless question because one need not be a resident of one's country to be interested in the advancement of one's nation. Since your birthplace determines your ancestry, I believe that Ghana must develop into a strong nation so that I can one day return and enjoy my homeland. I will fight Akufo Addo because he is killing my country via corruption, incompetence, and laziness.

Since Ghana gained independence on March 6, 1957, no Ghanaian leader, under any democratic government, has ruined Ghana to the extent that Akufo Addo's criminal family, Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta, and the other politicians of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) have supported all of this government's bad policies and criminal activities to the detriment of the impoverished people. Despite this, the irrational Akufo Addo wouldn’t like to be criticized by any unhappy Ghanaian.

One of the things that have caused the country to break apart so quickly is the fear that many people have for Akufo Addo, preventing them from fighting for Ghana. If a large number of Ghanaian journalists had been true to their craft and refused to allow Akufo Addo's financial power to influence them, the country's catastrophe would not have been in such dire straits. This is the reason I don’t like the imbecile Paul Adom-Otchere for defending the immoralities of this regime to the point of the country's collapse.

I am aware that not all NPP politicians are ignorant; most of them are aware that President Akufo Addo is to blame for the economic catastrophe and calamity that Ghana has experienced. However, they find it difficult to express their emotions and live in regret and pain because if they criticize their party, they will not only be called traitors but will also be fired by the despotic leader who wants all NPP politicians to support his widespread corruption and incompetence.

In 2020, Akufo Addo was the beneficiary of a rigged election, after his biggest failure, without any shame, he has since assured Ghanaians that his vice president will come to improve the situation in 2024. I mean the failed vice president, Mahamudu Bawumia and I don't know how this man will become president because he can't even win by cheating, and I know that no rational person will vote for him.

However, the unfortunate thing that transpired was that during the 2020 presidential and parliamentary elections, eight lives, three of them minors, were lost. These include Abdallah Ayarek, 18, Zakaria Samira, 12, Musah Fuseini, 14, Botwe Tackie, 16, Abdallah Ayarek, 18, Tajudeen Mohammed, 41, Dompreh Emmanuel, 36, and Abass Ibrahim, whose age was not disclosed, while fifteen other voters also suffered injuries of varying degrees, primarily from bullets.

The corrupt Supreme Court judges appointed by the president provided a shield for Akufo Addo, his vice president, Mahamudu Bawumia, and the head of the Electoral Commission, Jean Mensa. The perpetrators enjoyed their crimes with impunity, but this will not happen again. The victims' families had the opportunity to take the case to the International Criminal Court for those responsible to face criminal charges there but did not know how to proceed.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) acknowledges that there have likely been election-related deaths in Ghana, but the authority can’t do anything about it or make arrests for the offenders to be prosecuted until those involved families take the proper action. I will, therefore; teach the families of victims of such circumstances how to write a letter to the International Criminal Court in The Hague, demanding the arrest of any politician or official of the Electoral Commission who causes election violence through election malpractices or rigging, as I have declared myself to be a voice for the voiceless in Ghana.

Here's an example: A plea for the International Criminal Court to investigate the eight homicidal fatalities that occurred in Ghana during the elections in December 2020 so that the perpetrators might be held legally accountable.


The International Criminal Court
Official address
Oude Waalsdorperweg 10
2597 AK, The Hague
The Netherlands (Holland)
Tel. + 31 (0)70 515 8515
Fax +31 (0)70 515 8555
Postal address
Po Box 19519
2500 CM, The Hague
The Netherlands (Holland)
Dear Prosecutor
I, Joel Savage, a journalist and health columnist located in Belgium, would like to inform you about the illegal killings of eight innocent persons by the forces of Ghanaian President Nana Akufo Addo during the 2020 elections. Following the murders, the ruling party, the NPP, called the victims criminals and did not provide the victims' families with any justice. Those who carried out the murders have enjoyed their crimes without consequence ever since.

As the Prosecutor of the world's permanent International Criminal Court (ICC), a court of last resort for victims of the most serious crimes, your mandate allows you the opportunity to not only investigate international crimes but also to monitor the situation investigated by your office and to perform an early warning function, therefore; I would like to request your immediate investigation into the killings and bring those responsible to face the wrath of the real law at The Hague.

The victims are Zakaria Samira, 12, Musah Fuseini, 14 Botwe Tackie, 16, Abdallah Ayarek, 18; Tajudeen Mohammed, 41, Dompreh Emmanuel, 36, and Abass Ibrahim whose age was not stated, including three minors.

Since you have already put a lot of effort into bringing justice to the families of those killed in political turmoil throughout the world, including Africa, I will be grateful for your efforts to look into the political killings to provide some solace to the victims' families.

Yours truly,
Joel Savage
The complaint's address must be displayed underneath.

Readers should take note of this: 2023: The International Criminal Court's judges are chosen and elected to assume their official responsibilities. The twenty-second session of the Assembly of States Parties, which will take place at the United Nations in New York from December 4–14, 2023, is set to include the election of six judges. As such, while drafting a letter of complaint, it is necessary to include the names of the judges the complaint will be directed to.

In conclusion, any criminal complaint letter sent to the International Criminal Court in The Hague needs to be sent via a reputable postal company, such as DHL, FedEx - Express, UPS, etc., if they have offices in Ghana regardless of the cost. This is necessary to ensure that the letter reaches the appropriate judges in The Hague, Holland, safely. It might take a little longer because the ICC receives a lot of these letters but be assured that they will reply to your request.
