
Stop the hypocrisy; condemn if your people also do wrong — NDC SA Chair to Akufo-Addo

Social News Stop the hypocrisy; condemn if your people also do wrong — NDC SA Chair to Akufo-Addo

The Chairman of the NDC Council of Elders of South Africa, Mr. Benjamin Kofi Quashie has berated President Akufo-Addo for labelling the youth of the NDC as troublemakers.

He describes the president's actions as very unfortunate and unfair.

Speaking to Joy News, Monday, 27th November, 2023, the NDC Council of Elders chair averred that, the president's criticism of the actions of people he finds unlawful is apt but, lacks fairness if it is always directed at members of the NDC.

Citing instances where members of the NPP engaged in unlawful acts but the president failed to raise a whisker, he narrated the situation where "Kennedy Agyapong openly threatened a judge with very unprintable words against him. The president was silent about it."

According to him, the President criticised a chief for sitting down when the National Anthem was being played. "we applauded him for that show of statesmanship," he noted.

After a week or later, Mr Quashie noted that his daughter did a similar thing and the president hasn't condemned it", adding the chief apologised afterwards for his actions, citing ill health as the reason but up till today, the President's daughter hasn't said anything concerning her behaviour, neither has she apologised.

"Is it that there are different sets of rules for Ghanaians?; that if you're an NDC person the President saw nothing wrong with it.

Mr. Quashie urged the President to stop the pick-and-choose attitude.

He argued that the NDC members were at the former President's office to embark on a clean-up exercise which had nothing to do with violence.

"I think that it is brilliant to condemn actions that are deemed unlawful; it's a good call and the call should be to all Ghanaians by the president, but he cannot pick and choose", he stated.

Mr. Quashie claimed leaders who want their countries to grow and progress must be fair in their actions and "our leader, the President, must be exhibiting same tendencies. If you pick and choose, people don't take your issues seriously."

DC Kwame Kwakye
DC Kwame Kwakye

Broadcast JournalistPage: DCKwameKwakye
