
Ghana killing us with frequent ‘man-made’ disasters — Oliver Barker laments

Social News Oliver Barker Vormawor, lead convener of the #FixTheCountry Movement
Oliver Barker Vormawor, lead convener of the #FixTheCountry Movement

Ghanaian social activist Oliver Barker Vormawor has accused the government of neglect leading to frequent "man-made" disasters that are costing many lives.

In a Twitter post on Friday, October 20, the lead convener of the #FixTheCountry Movement lamented that the government's "incompetence and theft" along with citizens' "silence" is leading to preventable tragedies.

He cited recurring deadly incidents including a fire outbreak at Kwame Nkrumah Circle and an explosion at Bogoso Appiatse in the Western region in January 2022 as examples of preventable tragedies.

He also recalled the heavy pollution in the Pra River and the most recent flooding from the spillage of the Akosombo and Kpone dams.

"Circle fire, Appiatse, the Brown River Pra and the Dam flooding should have taught us one thing. This Republic is always trying to kill us," Mr. Barker lamented.

"We have been burned by Fire, We have been bombed, we have been poisoned and we have been flooded. Soon their incompetence and theft as well as our silence will kill us all," he further warned.

This comes as communities across Lower Volta such as North Tongu, South Tongu, Ada East and Keta submerged in water with several people displaced and properties destroyed caused by the spillage from Akosombo Dam.

Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

News ReporterPage: IsaacDonkorDistinguished
