
Kan Dapaah, Ofori-Atta, others offered us $1m, appointments to stop criticising government – Oliver Barker alleges

Headlines Left to Right: Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta, Oliver Barker Vormawor and National Security Minister Albert Kan-Dapaah
Left to Right: Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta, Oliver Barker Vormawor and National Security Minister Albert Kan-Dapaah

Activist and a lead convener of the #FixTheCountry Movement, Oliver Barker Vormawor has accused government of trying to bribe his outfit to stop criticizing its misrule.

He said the National Security Minister Albert Kan-Dapaah, Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta and one unnamed Brigadier General offered them $1million, government appointment and others to back down.

Speaking to journalists on day 2 of the ongoing ‘OccupyJulorbiHouse’ protest, Mr. Barker said they recorded the conversation held at a safe house in Cantonment, in Accra sometime ago.

The vocal activist again alleged that during that period, the National Security Minister called him while he was in the UK to fly back to Ghana on a state-sponsored flight, which he refused.

“They went as far as offering is $1m, offering us committee appointments and other government positions. This was made directory to me and other leaders of the #FixTheCountry Movement which we refused. This conversation was with Minister of National Security (Albert Kan Dapaah), Minister of Finance (Ken Ofori-Atta) and a Brigadier General at a safe house at Cantonment.

“These are information that are verifiable. We recorded the conversation on that day…I am not lying about it. I can release to you evidence of calls I received from National Security Minister asking me to fly down from the UK at a public expense which I refused and flown at my own expense. We know that they are making every kind of attempt to throw monetary compulsion, violence and other things to stop this things that we are doing,” he alleged.

Scores joined that 'OccupyJulorbiHouse' protest organized by the pressure group Democracy Hub.

The protest aims to occupy Ghana's Jubilee House to voice objections to what they see as misgovernance by the ruling NPP administration led by President Akufo-Addo.

The first day of the protest on Thursday, September 21 saw alleged police brutality against 49 young Ghanaians who were arrested and detained for about 12 hours for an alleged unlawful demonstration, according to police reports.

However, protesters remained undeterred and assembled again for the second day, with several celebrities like EL, Efia Odo and Kelvin Boy joining in support.

Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

News ReporterPage: IsaacDonkorDistinguished
