Fri, 22 Sep 2023 Social News

Finland explores digital partnership with Ghana

By Richard Aniagyei, ISD || Contributor
Finland explores digital partnership with Ghana

A delegation of the Finnish Embassy led by H.E Ambassador of Finland to Ghana, Ms Leena Pylvanainen, paid a courtesy call on the Minister for Communications and Digitalisation in Accra.

The purpose of the visit was to discuss and identify areas of business partnership and exchange ideas on how to enhance connectivity and digital services in Ghana with a focus on expanding Telecom Infrastructure to reach underserved areas.

The meeting also focused on ways of collaboration in the telecommunications infrastructure as well as other digitalisation projects.

The Minister for Communication and Digitalisation, Mrs Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, echoed the government’s commitment to building a partnership that would accelerate Ghana's digital transformation agenda, hence.

She envisaged that the meeting would lead to the implementation of cutting-edge solutions that would benefit both nations, fostering economic growth, innovation and improved access to digital resources for Ghanaian citizens.

Ms Leena Pylvanainen recounting the benefits of partnership between both countries stated that the involvement of Nokia Corporation adds a substantial dimension to this cooperation, promising expertise and innovative solutions to drive digitalization projects forward.
