Tue, 19 Sep 2023 Feature Article

Open Letter to the Citizenries on Constitutional Bodies their Accountability, Independence and the Appointing Authority

Open Letter to the Citizenries on Constitutional Bodies their Accountability, Independence and the Appointing Authority

Open Letter to the Citizenries on Constitutional Bodies their Accountability, Independence and the Appointing Authority - And why the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission Her two Deputies and the Members of Parliament must be condemned for gross incompetency but why you must rise up to support the Governor of Bank of Ghana and his two Deputies as well as the IGP and his Deputies (others Members of the Police Management Board for excellent Job for National Interest and Public Good

First of all, let me state that the basic functions of a democratic or Constitutional Country are the exercises of three powers namely judicial, executive and legislature powers for Public interest or good and these functions are given to three separate arms (trilateral structures) of Government and they are reportedly as Independent or autonomous from each by Principle of Separations of Powers as propounded by Baron De Montesquieu but they are to act as system of checks and balances in the performance of their work independently and effectively.

In Ghana per the 1992 Constitution , the three basic functions or powers and the three arms of Government are (1) Executive Powers by the Executive with the President and his delegates respectively for the security and safety of the Country through enforcement of laws, making appointments, formulation of government policies etc. (2) the Judiciary powers by the Judiciary with the Chief Justice as the head, with others as the Justices of the Supreme Court and Others in the Judiciary for enforcing of the Constitution and laws and administering of justice through protection or care of fundamental rights of the people and affording protection to the people, settlement or adjudication of legal disputes or cases, interpretation of Constitutional intentions etc. (3) Legislative Powers by Parliament or the Legislature with the Leadership as the Speaker of Parliament, his two Deputy Speakers, the Majority and Minority Leaderships, then the other Members of Parliament

Parliament or the Legislature for and representation of thee citizen interest, enactment of laws, monitoring actions of the government or oversight responsibility over the other arms of government especially the Executive, approval of taxes, and expenditure or budget of the Government. Hmm which coincidentally includes the Budget of all Constitutional Creatures or Bodies and Agencies especially the Electoral Commission. Hence control of the purse of the EC (including the budget and Plans for the Voters Registration Exercise.

Folks, the Principle of Separation Powers required that government should represent the people on whose behalf the three arms of government are to exercise their respective powers because sovereignty resides with the people otherwise by majority rule or the 50% plus one vote. To ensure effective and efficient Government in a Democratic Dispensation, the Powers or functions of a Country must be divided among different agencies made of the trilateral structural of government made of the time-honored elements of Judiciary, Executive and Legislature

So, the Voters Registration Exercise was /is the responsibility of both the EC and Parliament with EC as the Constutional Body for submitting her plans and Budget to Parliament as the Approval Authority takes painful time to scrutinize the plans and budget of the EC in order to physically and competently ensure that the plans and budget are in the interest of the State and interest of the Citizen before Parliament approves them for the Executive, for that matter the President of Ghana to provide funds, as the Releasing Authority for funding of the National budget for 2023, so presented by the EC and approved by Parliament. Hence, the President and his Party cannot be said to be in bed with the EC. So, to be honest, the EC and Parliament must be blamed for demo incompetency and not working for the interest of the people.

Fellow Ghanaians, for the above reason do not allows members of Parliament to continue to be exhibiting acts of dishonesty and hypocrisy, give them showdown (courtesy of Hon Kennedy Agyapong), that is where power lies by voting them out in the next election for not representing the interest of the Citizens when the EC submitted the Plans and Budget for the 2023 year.

So, please do not allow some hypocrite members of Parliaments to throw dust into our eyes or waste our eyes with ugly noises. Since their role include scrutiny the plans and the budget of the EC and they failed the Country by not acting effectively when the EC presented her plans and budget for 2023, to them which they duly approved as part of the 2023 Budget . Hmm I envisaged if they had done so, the funding by the Country will not be easy due to Domestic Debt Exchange Program. So, nothing can be done by the EC now. So, I recommend that we should request the Members of Parliament, Presidential hopefuls, Corporate Ghana, Religious Bodies, the Ghana Police, Ghana Armed Forces, and others to help transport people for the Limited Voters Registration. This is the Time to afford Service to Ghana.

It must be made clear again that both Parliament and the Electoral Commission share the blame for the woes of our fellow Citizens encountered and being encountering in the Limited Voters Registration Exercise. So let us warn or direct members of Parliament not to join us in criticizing the EC since as stated both the Chairperson, her Two Deputies and all the members of Parliament of Ghana demo gross incompetency, hence the ugly noises from them must be stopped by shaming them. So, Shame! Shame! Shame to them.

Once again let me hammer that the Members of Parliament must burry their heads in shame for failing to represent the peoples interest when the EC submitted her plans and budget for the Limited Voters Registration Exercise or for preventing the Constitutional Instrument (C1) presented by the EC to make the Ghana Card as the means of identification of a Citizenship of Ghana to be used during Registration of Voters, in replace of guarantors etc hence blame Parliament as well for the woes of the eligible voters for the EC limited Registration Exercise.

Why Constitutional Bodies (Independent Executive Bodies)

After the creation or establishment of the three Arms of Government namely the Legislature, Executive and the Judiciary in 1670s guided by the Principles of Separation of Powers, it was later in the 1770s, that it was found as sine qua non (necessary condition) to establish Constitutional Bodies sometime termed as the Independent Executive Bodies so, as seemingly co-equal to the trilateral Arms of Government based on the Principle of Separation of Powers. They are required to assist the Executive Arm of Government (the President- the appointing Authority with without the consent of Parliament) to direct, control and operate the polity or the institutions of the Country subject to the Constitution and the laws with a well-developed feeling of public accountability for Public Good.

So, the Framers of the 1992 Constitution in line with global or international best practices established the Constitutional Bodies, also as the creatures of the Constitution in order to assist the Executive hence the President in the running of the Government but they are to enjoy independence or autonomy in decision making from the trilateral arms of Government namely the Legislature, Executive and the Judiciary. Hence they are really on equal terms hence most of the highest echelon occupants are termed as Article 71 Office Holders of the 1992 Constitution. The Constitutional Intention is to prevent populists or gullible persons or people who cannot think better to easily amend an entrenched clause or thus preventing populists from riding on the emotion of gullible persons to gain power.

Folks, unlike Statutory Bodies and Authority which Parliament has the Power to establish, Constitutional Bodies are Bodies that are established by the Constitution of a Country hence the 1992 Constitution and are designed to perform certain tasks for the State. Constitutional bodies are to protect the interest of the State, hence the Fourth Republic and the citizen, thus for Public Good or Public Interest or for the betterment of the Country hence no profit motive (to be explained below).

Constitutional Bodies -Accountability

Constitutional Bodies are the creatures of the Constitution like Parliament or the Judiciary or the Executive. Since Constitutional Bodies are established by the Constitution, which represent the Sovereignty of the people, are therefore answerable or accountable to the Constitution hence the People, hence they enjoy almost same level of Independence as the trilateral structural or Arms of Government namely the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary by the Principle of Separation of Powers as propounded by Baron De Montesquieu in 1670s. But they are required to assist the Executive Arm of Government (the President- the appointing Authority with without the consent of Parliament) to direct, control and operate the polity or the institutions of the Country subject to the Constitution and the laws with a well-developed feeling of public accountability for Public Good.

Independence of Constitutional Bodies

This autonomy or Independence of Constitutional Bodies is affirmed or decreed by the Constitution. So the rights and Powers of Constitutional Bodies are in the hands of the Constitution itself which represent the Sovereignty of the people and no other body be it Parliament, the Executive or the Judiciary. Note though the Judiciary wields Judiciary Powers for adjudication of legal case, interpretation of the Constitution question which serves as an order, unless provided by the Constitution, the Judiciary are very cautious when dealing with a political question involving another creature of the Constitution Like Constitutional Bodies which also derive rights and powers from the Constitution, likewise unless provided by the Constitution the Executive and Legislature are barred from interfering in the work or operations of Constitutional Bodies, since their rights and functions/Powers emanate from the Constitution. Hence Constitutional Bodies are their own masters thus they have the Power to regulate their functions, rules etc through a policy bill termed as Constitutional instrument.

The Powers and functions of Constitutional Body cannot be changed by any regular, private or government bill it can only be done by Constitutional amendment bill originated from the Body. Constitutional Bodies are solely (exclusively) responsible for making their own decision for determining their rules for their performances without a say any body be it the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary

Laws or bills of from Constitutional Bodies are termed as Constitutional Instruments and nothing else. To become an operative Constitutional Instrument (CI) a Constitutional Instrument bill or policy must be published in the Gazette and laid in Parliament on the same day for it to be matured into law after 21 days that is if and only it is not defeated or cancelled or annulled by two-thirds of the Members of Parliament so in Ghana at least by 183 members or so.

Measures to assure Independence to Leaders of Constitutional Bodies

Constitutional Measures to assure Independence to Leaders of some Constitutional Bodies include secured tenure of office and better terms and conditions of service so that they thinking properly and give very sound judgment in the decision making process for public good or interest and for the stability of the Country. For example, unlike the other four members of the EC whose tenure of office is not guaranteed by the Constitution and are therefore paid mere allowances as Parliament may determine, the Chairperson and the two Deputy Chairpersons of the EC enjoy protected compensations or emoluments as stipulated at the entrenched Article 71 for the affected Office Holders. Thus their emoluments are charged to the Consolidated fund and so that they can enjoy autonomy in decision making for the National or public interest.

Appointing Authority ,
The President as per international best practices and or by Constitutional provision or law is the appointing Authority and this is not negotiable, so ignore the ugly noises that the President has too much powers, so the President’s appointment need to be curtailed, ask the noisy makers that the a particular power or power in question should be given to who to appoint for a Constitutional Body, those saying so do not understand Constitutional politics. They must be educated that the President in logical terms must be regarded as the personification of the Constitution, that is why Military Coup makers overthrow the President (Executive) and the Constitution goes or is overthrown with him, Parliament only suffers from this predicament hence collateral damage whilst the Judiciary remains intact but with a lot of issues in Military rule. So most Constitutional Bodies may be mute or extinct but some like the Bank of Ghana, Auditor General, the Ghana Armed Forces, and the Public Services including the Ghana Police remained operative with new Heads as appointed or confirmed by the Military Junta Executive.

They best the proponents can suggest is adding cost to cost with additional layers for the appointment to include Parliament and the Council of State, the Judiciary Council, the Police Council, the Armed Forces Council to recommend or vet persons to occupy Public Offices as Article 71 Public Office Holders of the 1992 Constitution. Then Offices like the IGP, the CDS, and Service Commanders etc as dictated by the 1992 Constitution.

Please, a critical thinking on or study of Political Science will reveal that the elected Civilian Authority that is after winning a National Presidential election, by 50% plus one vote as in the case of the President as a means by which enables the people or the electorates to delegate the Sovereignty of the Country especially the Executive Powers to the President, as the Head of State, Head of Government, Head of National Executive and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. Hence logically, the President must be the appointing authority for vacancies for the Constitutional appointments in the Judiciary and vacancies in the Constitutional Bodies the Central Bank (Bank of Ghana), including the Independent Executive Bodies, like the Electoral Commission, an d the appointment normally required to be made by the President is with regards to vacancies at the high echelon offices and for the Ghana Police from ACP to the IGP in the Police Service.

Hmm, in a democratic dispensation especially in the Some Executive System of Government, the President normally behaves like an octopus tentacles with its tentacle stamping authority even in the appointment of the Speaker of Parliament through as the Leader or the Party in power nominates a candidate for his Party Stable to present for the election by members of Parliament. Check and you will realized that the nominees for Speakers of Ghana’s Parliament were nominees of the Party in Power. The current speaker from the NDC won with the support of own goal by the NPP by courtesy of Hon Sarah Adjua Safo.

Article 295 (1) of the 1992 Constitution provides the Interpretation of the terms like Constitutional instruments and Legislative instruments or statutory instruments and Public Interest and as used in this paper whilst Article 295 (2) of the 1992 Constitution speaks volume general among other on the appointments/removal of high echelons of the Constitutional bodies

Example of Constitutional bodies

In the 1992 Constitution, these bodies or agencies include (a) the Central Bank (herein Bank of Ghana as at Article 183 of the 1992 Constitution), (b) Electoral Commission at Article 43 and (c)Public Services in the case of Ghana as stipulated at Article 190 of the 1992 Constitution which among other Agencies include the Ghana Police which also covered by Article 200 to 204, These bodies and others are to assist the Executive Arm of Government to direct , control and operate the polity or the institutions of the Country subject to the Constitution and the laws with a well-developed feeling of public accountability for Public Good.

Constitutional Bodies in the 1992 Constitution of Ghana which are on the front burner this month

For the purpose of the subject for your attention, pardon me to limit to the Constitutional Bodies in the 1992 Constitution of Ghana which are on the front burner ithis month. They are the Bank of Ghana, the Electoral Commission, and the Ghana Police Service. The differ from Statutory Bodies or Authority which are also autonomous corporate bodies established by an Act of Parliament which defines the powers, objective, and functions, of the body. Since Statutory Bodies derive their power from Parliament, and autonomous corporate bodies who responsible for making their own decisions hence their rules or laws are termed as Statutory Instrument otherwise Legislative Instrument (LI) to denote that the power emanated from Parliament hence Statutory Bodies can also make laws with LI and take decision on the behalf of the Country.

Legislative Instrument Bill goes through the same process like (CI) a Constitutional Instrument bill or policy. That is it must be published in the Gazette and laid in Parliament on the same day for it to be matured into law and assent by the President if and only it is not defeated or cancelled or annulled by two-thirds of the Members of Parliament so in Ghana at least by 183 members or so

Matters of Bank of Ghana on the front burner

Bank of Ghana is a Constitutional Body hence an Independent Executive Body with Rights and Power granted by the Constitution. So members of Parliament from the stable of the NDC must revise their notes well and stop the ugly noises. It must be made clear to all that in 2022, the Governor of Bank of Ghana and the two Deputies by the autonomy in decision making as granted by the 1992 Constitution simply performed their Constitutional mandates for ensuring the maintenance of economic and financial stability and inclusive growth which the Supreme of Ghana is required to affirm if challenged as Constitutional or political question.

Fellow Ghanaians, during crisis time the Central Bank hence Bank of Ghana should be judged by actions for the fulfilment of her Constitutional mandate and legal objective of maintaining macroeconomic and financial stability and inclusive growth, hence for public good, thus not for profit motive which is not even the objective of Central Banks, globally like Commercial Banks. So the Governor and the Deputy must be judged as such.

It is therefore very strange that some of our Intelligentsias especially those in Political Science and some of our seasoned Lawyers who are expected to be very honest and educate us as such do not checks for the facts or just speak on a matter without asking for time to check for the facts and therefore exhibited and are exhibiting dishonesty otherwise ignorance of the gospel truth of the 1992 Constitution/Fourth Republic with regards to the work of the Governor of the Central Bank (Bank of Ghana).

The 1992 Constitution required every Citizen to preserve, the uphold, defend and protect it, hence, as a Senior, Citizen of Ghana, I hereby humbly pray and plead with the Supreme to rise up to the Occasion and declare all laws emanating from Parliament other than by Constitutional Amendment Bills passed through the Council of State for review and subsequent actions and assented by the President or by Constutional Instrument from Bank of Ghana published in the Gazette and laid in Parliament for maturity into law after 21 days as null and void.

Otherwise, affected persons must understand that the Governor of Bank of Ghana acted as a result of the passage of Section 3 of the Fiscal Responsibility Act 2018 (982) by Parliament on what must be done during the State of Emergency or Force Majeure and this updated law conflicts with the Fiscal rules in the Bank of Ghana Act 2016 (Act 918) or any other law hence common sense will tell that the updated Fiscal Responsibility Rule or Act 2018 (982) negates what is in the Bank of Ghana Act 2016 (Act 918) which even speaks of the Minister of Finance as the person who has to go to Parliament for approval for financing the budget gap or deficit when notified by the Governor, hence Parliament must be blamed/burry their heads in shame stop the ugly noises for the resignation of the Governor of Bank of Ghana.

It must be acknowledged that the Governor of Bank of Ghana by his bravado and competent action helped in the upholding, preserving, protecting and defending the 1992 Constitution by ensuring the Stability of the Fourth Republic, through reducing the possible risk of a Military Coup in Ghana, since the Holy Book of Christians namely the Holy Bible at Ecclesiastes 1.9 which says that ‘What has happened Before Could Happen again hence Ghana could therefore not be ruled out as a possible candidate for a Military Coup.

History has it that it was in April 2022, that the President of Ghana heeded to an earlier call by ex-President Mahama and others for IMF Bailout in order to save the Collapse of the Economy. This was at the time the debt of Ghana reportedly smashed the roof, reportedly around 105%, hence very unsustainable debt but Ghana needed a sustainable debt level for her to use a favorable debt level or condition to opt for the IMF support by the usual secret terms.

So, for Ghana to qualify for the IMF Bailout, the 105% debt level must be reduced by half thus to 55%. This 105% national debt level resulted in the history of Ghana of a proclaimed National debt burden sharing or financial hair cut in what was termed as Domestic Debt Exchange Program in our financial lexicon before Ghana can meet one of the major Conditionalities for the IMF bailout.

So, there was a fear of a looming disaster of the Collapse of the economy of Ghana. Thus the stability of the Fourth Republic was under serious threat and could therefore not be guaranteed if no serious measures by our leaders, especially through the use of a risk management tool by the Governor of Bank of Ghana and his two Deputies in order to rescue the economy of Ghana from collapsing. This made the Bank of Ghana to invoke her constitutional mandate as granted by the 1992 Constitution which created the Bank of Ghana as a constitutional creature or body therefore with degree of independence for the Bank’s core objective of ensuring macroeconomic and financial stability and inclusive growth which was/ is sine qua non (necessary condition) in order to preserve, uphold, defend and protect the 1992 Constitution which created Bank of Ghana.

Fellow Ghanaians, during crisis time the Central Bank should be judged by actions for the fulfilment of her Constitutional mandate and legal objective of maintaining macroeconomic and financial stability and inclusive growth, hence for public good, thus not for profit motive which is not even the objective of Central Banks, globally like Commercial Banks. In fact profit made by a Central Bank must be given to the Shareholder in this case the government which is the 100% shareholder or the Risk Owner.

So the Governor did a very good job for public good by working to prevent a possible overthrow of the Fourth Republic/1992 Constitution otherwise reduce the promotion or campaigning for a Military Coup as monitored in the media or proclaimed by populists which does not augur well for economy growth since no reasonable investor will invest in an a Stable area or Country, hence the ugly noises must be stopped if we really mean good for Ghana, constitutional and or legal means must be used to deal with national issues.

Folks, the looming economy melt down as in 2021/2022 was occasioned by the three risks especially the repercussion of COVID-19 pandemic, aggravated by the Russia -Ukraine War, failed e-levy with the associated downgrading of the financial position of Ghana which culminated in the shutdown of the International capital market to Ghana and most importantly in the minds of some of us may be due to mismanagement by President Nana Addo’s regime, this was also a major problem otherwise failure to opt for the Debt Services Suspension Initiative before December 2021, demonstrated gross incompetency on the part of the Hon Finance Minister who thought he could milk from the e-levy since he thought it may give a yearly yield of GHC5 Billion which could be used to securitize for loans.

In order to meet the Bank of Ghana’s Constitutional mandate or one of the core objective of a Central Bank globally to promote and maintain the stability of the currency of the Country, the Governor and his Deputies used the Balance Sheet of Bank of Ghana with an amount of GHC60Billion Cedis in the proclaimed Domestic Debt Exchange Program which helped in the reduction of the accumulated debt of Ghana since the 1980s which was 105%, thus an unsustainable debt to close the sustainable level thus facilitated an earlier access to the much talked about IMF Bail Out as earlier on recommended by His Excellency Ex-President Mahama and some members of the Intelligentsias for the booting/Navigation of the economy of Ghana from a reportedly Depression state to upturn level and to ensure the maintenance of macroeconomic and financial stability and inclusive growth.

GHC48.4 Billion out of the GHC60Billion was used in the Debt Exchange Program. Bank of Ghana also suffered the loss of GHC5.2 Billion due to exchange rate volatility or movements. And lastly GHC6.4 Billion was incurred on the debts of Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) and others debts in their books but IMF made Bank of Ghana to include these debts as part of Ghana’s debt hence part of the GHC60Billion, since the value is the same as the debt of Ghana to the outside World which must be the risk of Bank of Ghana, which the Government of Ghana is 100% shareholder or Risk owner. So the GHC60Billion as part of the balance of Bank of Ghana was used to buy or as a price for Public Good by preventing the collapse of the economy which could have resulted in a likely Coup or civil disturbances.

So Dr Addison and his two Deputies need special commendation for preventing the collapse of the Economy by using a risk management for an e excellent work for Ghana and thus paid a price for Public good with Bank of Ghana’s balance of GHC60.Billion which made Ghana to gain the bailout program from the IMF the economy of Ghana so as proclaimed by the IMF etc, Ghana’s economy is seeing signs of economy recovery

Fellow with the signs of economy improvement all patriots of Ghana must credit Ex-President Mahama with his early idea of Ghana to opt for the IMF Bailout because Ex-President Mahama saw the Nation in a very difficult economy crisis situation and thus a very serious threat to National Security hence the Stability of the Fourth Republic hence his recommendation for the stability of his Country and also the facilitation of his second coming because serious economic difficulties could motivate a Military coup as happened in 1972 and 31 December 1981 hence derailment of his ambition since a coup in Ghana will mean the end of the Fourth Republic and may take not less than 3 years for the Military to hand over.

So to protect the stability of the Fourth Republic by defending the 1992 Constitution which created Bank of Ghana together with other Constitutional Bodies, necessitated Dr Ernest Addison, the Governor of Bank of Ghana and his Deputies to use risk management tool and rescued Ghana’s economy from collapse unlike the foolhardiness of his counterpart in Sri Lanka who as the Governor of Bank of Sri Lanka woefully failed or refused to appreciate the dynamics and kicked against or refused to support the idea of IMF bailout for Public good.

It is very unfortunate that some citizens, especially some MPs from the Political Party being led by Ex-President Mahama and other elements in the Nation are making ugly noises and want to demo against the good recommendation of Ex-President Mahama. There must be something wrong with them otherwise they do not want to see the recovery of the economy of Ghana.

The current leadership of the Minority Group of Parliament with a former director of Bank of Ghana and their cohorts need to tone down the rhetoric/behaviour otherwise their acts have the potential to derail the second coming of his Excellency Ex-President Mahama because whether the economy crisis was due to mismanagement by President Nana Addo as alleged by them or a combination of both internal and exogenous or external factors or internal problems aggravated by external shocks as alleged by President Nana Addo and his cohorts. Since the situation saw in the History of Ghana and the IMF, a Managing Director of the IMF openly campaigned for Ghana to get early bail out support from the IMF, so, the Governor of Bank of Ghana had to step in to arrest the collapse of the Economy that made it possible for or that facilitated a very early access to the IMF Bailout. Since the likelihood of a coup as a result of a collapse of the economy could have caused a fatal injury to the possible second coming of Ex-President Mahama or will make it very difficult for him to turn the economy around and make a great impart with his second coming within 4 years if given the nod, so the conduct of the Minority Group and their cohorts is not the best.

lastly, Dr Ernest Addison the Governor of Bank of Ghana, must be respected and commended with his excellent acumen and Statesmanship that saw the need to build the gold reserve of Bank of Ghana, involvement in the Gold for Oil Deal to support the Energy or fuel supply sector so as to help sustain the stability of the currency and provision of fuel 24/7 at good price without queuing.

It must be noted under the watch of Dr Addison, Bank of Ghana made a profit of GHC1.6 Billion in 2019, GHC1.5 Billion in 2020 and GHC1.4Billion in 2021. So the Governing Board and the Management of the Bank decided to make the dream of the Bank for a fit for purpose new Head Office since 1990 as a reality. Consequently, the Construction of a fit for purpose new Head Office started in the good year of 2019, which is now about 42% complete and therefore must be completed since Bank of Ghana has a dedicated budget line with voted sums initially as GHC121 Million US Dollars for the project. This should not divide the nations if no serious problem of procurement and cost of the Project, considering the likelihood of variation of cost of inputs etc in volatile global economy.

The Demand for transparency and accountability/probity on the Construction of the new Head Office is both a constitutional and legal imperatives, hence not negotiable at all and must be pursued by the good Minority Group and CSOs. But, why the Project is an infantile question or point, because the Project is a cost effective infrastructure that may also house International Financial institutions like West Africa Monetary Institute (WAMI), that will pay rent, it will also make it possible to release the old site for others at costs to them and revenue to the State/the Bank. Furthermore, it is an open market policy to create jobs in the construction industry and generate revenue by taxes (PAYE, VAT, E-levy etc, SSNIT contributions, Insurance cover premium etc) besides improving the Landscape or skyline of Accra.

It is a prayer that Bank of Ghana like what the Central Bank of Nigeria did in the participation in massive production of rice as import substitution bid may also play an open market operation in the Agricultural Sector. This should be what the patriots of Ghana especially the man on the street should be clamoring for.

Condemnation of the Chairperson EC and Members of Parliament

Folks whilst calling for the commendation of the Dr Ernest Addison and his team for the work they did for Public Good and thus who deserve National Awards for saving the economy of the Country from Collapse as recommending by his Excellency Ex-President Mahama for IMF Bailout, which made the Bank to use her Balance Sheet in the Debt Exchange Program that the facilitated very early access to the IMF support, on the other hand the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission (EC), her deputies and the Hon Members of Parliament need to be condemned for failure to work for Public Good due to their poor actions (bad plan and not sufficient budget proposal by the EC for a very good registration exercise and sleeping at the job by members of Parliament which resulted in their not doing proper study or review of the plans and Budget of the EC before the approval by Parliament towards the limited Voter Registration since they are the representative of the electorates. Hoot at them in case of trying to go on demo against the EC

So, all patriotic citizens should regard the actions of the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission (EC), her deputies and the Hon Members of Parliament as a constitutional Coup due to the public uproar hence a potential for precipitating a Military Coup in Ghana, and should that happen the resultant will be the suspension or the overthrow of the 1992 Constitution. Hence the loss of the Sovereignty of the People and the loss of jobs by the Executive Chairperson of the Electoral Commission (EC), her deputies and the Hon Members of Parliament

Nothing can be done by the EC, it is too late due to no budget for the EC to conduct the exercise at Electoral areas in addition to the District Offices of the EC. So Members of Parliament, Presidential hopefuls, Political Parties, Businessmen, Traditional Leaders, Corporate Ghana, Religious Bodies, the Ghana Police, Ghana Armed Forces, and others should be called upon or rise up to the occasion to help transport people for the Limited Voters Registration.

This should be an eye opener to the EC and Parliament, make plans and budget and Parliament to scrutinize the Plan and budget before approval to ensure the Plan include previous and new Polling Stations for the mass voter registration/Updating of the Voters Registers for the 2024 National Election (Presidential and Parliamentary Election in 2024) and work effectively with the support of the IGP and associated Security Agencies through the CDS and the Heads of other security Agencies to ensure free and fair election in 2024 and thus reducing a possible risk of a Military Coup or civil disturbances in 2024/2025.

The Chairperson and the two Deputies of the Electoral Commission who possibly think that due to the constitutional proclamation as an Independent Constitutional Body they can behave as if the EC is an isolated body or island from Ghana or a body with unlimited freedom hence not subjected to the Constitution and or Laws of the Country hence they are failing to understand that the EC is just an independent executive bodies in decision making for the provision of support/ assistance to the Arms of Government especially the Executive of Arm of Government to run the Country. So their Independence or autonomy is only meant that they are not subordinated to a Cabinet Minister, they have very secured tenure of Office with terms and conditions of services for the Chairperson and the Two Deputies as a Justice of the Court of Appeal and a Justice of a High Court respectively. But can be removed as per the Constitution.

The Chairperson and the two Deputy Chairpersons must be educated that the Constitutional Intention for their secured tenure of office and better terms and conditions of service are meant for the three of them to give very sound judgment in the decision making for public good or interest/stability of the Country, hence unlike the other four members of the EC whose tenure of office is not guaranteed by the Constitution and are therefore paid mere allowances as Parliament may determine, the Chairperson and the two Deputy Chairpersons of the EC enjoy protected compensations or emoluments as stipulated at the entrenched Article 71 for the affected Office Holders thus their emoluments are charged to the Consolidated fund and so that they can enjoy autonomy in decision making for the National or public interest.

The Chairperson and the two Deputy Chairpersons must understand that good governance is the hallmark of good leadership and peace and tranquility so their actions or inactions could precipitate a Military Coup, hence the overthrow of the Executive which they are part of thus loss of their jobs. So it is high time they are educated that they must stop with their mindset of We Saw it, We loved it, we Chose it behaviour as exhibited by the previous Chairperson and her two Deputies and see how they may sometimes take on board the public opinion especially during Inter Political Parties Dialogue with the EC, in their decision making process, since Coup makers are opportunists looking for mass public opinion to judge that their action will receive a massive national support to formalize or legitimize their action.

The Chairperson of the EC must also understand that though it is very true that the Independent Executive Constitutional Bodies in a Democratic or Constitutional Rule have a degree of constitutionally protected decisional autonomy and their independence is sometimes at odd with the time-honored ideas of the trilateral structural of government, that the independence does s not give unlimited freedom to misbehave because they can be removed for stated reasons as prescribed by the Constitution.

IGP and the Bugri Nabu Audio Tape incident

The Adhoc Committee of Parliament constituted by the Speaker to conduct investigation into the Bugri Nabu’s tape recordings, has confirmed that the one who did the recording as Chief Bugri Nabu hence the name of the tape should be the Bugri Nabu tape, and the voices in the tape included the three witnesses namely Chief Bugri Nabu, and serving Police Officers namely COP Alex Mensah and Superintendent Asare, hence the voices in the tape include that of Chief Bugri Nabu, COP Alex Mensah and Superintendent Asare other matters including additional or fresh tapes, allegations by Police personnel are tangential and must not be allowed to tarnish the image of the IGP in the person of Dr George Dampare.

For the tangential matters either the IGP and the Police Management Board or the Police Council or the President of Ghana are clothed with both Constitutional and legal powers to deal with them, hence could be subject of fresh investigation by a new committee or Commission of inquiry by the President especially into the welfare matters of the Police Personnel to see the way forward and not by the Hon Atta Akyea Committee. Matters on the appointment of IGP is a constitutional provision which is in line with best practices that the elected Civilian Authority exercising delegated powers from the electorates must control the guns on the behalf of the Citizens.

The Recommendation that the Security personnel to vote for their commanders is an infantile idea because it is based on emotions. Others claimed that some Senior Officers want the appointment of the IGP by the President to be discontinue. The most interesting aspect of this recommendation is that it was allegedly made by a Senior Police Officer of the rank of COP or by one Police Officer because he was reported as PHD Holder in academic field not security.

Issue of security training background, pass performance of the candidate in the service as kept in in the personal file of each person by the Security System, so as to determine leadership or command qualities. So one’s experiences, good supervisory skills, loyalty counts as well as the ability to ensure firm internal order in subordinates, a team player, fairness, ability to maintain discipline, personnel drive for excellence, effective decisiveness, ability to push or motivate people to deliver their best and others are to be looked into by the Selection Board or are recorded in the confidential report. Hence, it is not a matter of only paper qualification or a matter of Aduru Me So.

Constitutional appointments require the Nation to consider the need for Regional Balance and may be gender balance among others. So opening out Constitutional appointments for application for selection of the best candidate may not be the best or asking for voting in the selection may not also be good. It must be noted that for political or Constitutional appointment, public opinion also count in the selection. Example by per the Constitutional qualifications, a lot of persons qualified to be selected as the Chief Justice when the vacancy was opened but it is envisaged that beside her training and experience with her period of services, the current Chief Justice was appointed based on good public opinion and to some extent Regional and gender balance (just to make a female with good qualifications as the leader of one of the Arms Government promote gender balance which can motivate other female persons to see her as their mentor or guide and work hard to be recognized by the State).

It must be made clear that being a Senior Officer on the line due to long service (the Aduru Me So mentality therefore one simply relaxes for his or her turn without working hard), or PHD holder within the Security Services does not necessary qualify one to be a Commander or IGP or ability to make a good recommendation on Constitutional or Political question matter like the appointment of the CDS or IGP. Beside academic qualifications certain requirements including security training background need to be satisfied as well to meet some Constitutional or political issues as emanated from the History of the Nation or other Nations, History of Wars, national security note the President is responsible for the Security and Safety of the Country, hence he must have the free hand to appoint the person who he and his security adviser feels he can trust and will help him to maintain law and order or in a battle effort the nominees tenure of office must be conterminous with that of the President for this and other reasons which could the need for Regional balance,

History of Civilization, history of Wars including those of the Ashanti Empire which saw Yaa Asantewaa at the War front as the Commander tells it all why the President has the final say on who he or she should trust, the Security of the State to. The America Civil or the Confederation (Southern American) War against the North with President Abraham Lincoln, then as the Commander-in-Chief that was in November 1862 and had to quickly replace General McClellan for failure to pursue the retreating Army of the Confederates or South States and the current Russia Ukraine War tells why the Head of State must be the appointing g authority. Other qualities, including signs of bravery and Loyalty also counts.

A personal example was when as a Company Commander of Infantry Company in ECOMOG Ghanbat 6 or so in Liberia and my Company was ordered to lead the Advance to capture Robertsfield International Airport Harbel in Liberia, which was then held by the Charles Taylor rebels I did not find it very easy because my troops who performed duties in Monrovia especially at the Monrovia Airport and saw the number of causalities of Nigerian troops from the forward battlefield or front which were both fatal and wounded, especially the frightful amputees inflicted by the rebels on daily basis made my troops to be demoralized. To some extent that, Officers who had the 18 months training as Regular Commission Officers and had served longer in the service than Officers with Short Service Commission that is with 6 months training, cried and begged me not to make them the point or the Lead Platoon Battle Commander for the Advance to capture the Airport.

Morale was further dampened in the whole battalion during the final briefing before crossing the Start line and thus made matters very serious for me, when our Operations Officer was wounded by a shot by a sniper fire. So, getting an Officer to lead or as the point Platoon Commander was a problem, until God came to my aid, when one young Officer, then Lieutenant Albert Fearsome, with Short Service Commission Corps (that is with 6 months training) and not very long years of tour of duty in the Military and who was even with the education Corps and not of Infantry background saw my predicament and agreed to be the Commander of the lead or point Platoon for my Team which captured the Airport after two or was it three days or simply prolonged hours battle .through very frightful thick forest. So it is not all persons in the Police or Military who can be Commanders, ability to push or motivate people to deliver their best and this cannot be detected or obtain by voting as suggested by some people.

Public opinion also counts and from some of the narrations at the Hon Atta Akyea’s Committee, the opinion of some members of the public including some officials of the NPP Political Party were used in the Selection of the last IGP of this regime and that let to Dr Dampare to be appointed as IGP by President Nana Addo.

My brother and good friend COP Kofi Boakye when he was in Western Region as the Regional Police Commander, I can guessed scored very high marks in command abilities and was seen as the best candidate so we called as IGP when he was the Regional Commander for the Ashanti Region, was not appointed as the IGP because of the way he handled Chairman Wontumi when he caused his arrest during an election dispute in 2016 and other problems with people in the Strong hold of the NPP, when he was the Ashanti Regional Commander, these caused his downfall.

The nation, the various Political parties, National Peace Council, CSOs interested in election matters, contestants in elections to be organized in Ghana by the EC, the Electoral Commission and the Ghana Police and the other associated Security Agencies during elections should see the Bugri Nabu Audio Tape as God send one as an eye opener for all parties in the preparations and during election to ensure free and fair election in the upcoming, District Level Election and the mother of all Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in December 2024. So that we keep an eagle eye on the activities of the Security personnel.

The level of insecurity at the District Offices of the EC for the Limited Voters Registration calls for the IGP (the Police) and with support of mobile patrolling by the Military to provide very strong security cover for the ongoing Limitation Voters Registration 24/7 within the period proclaimed by the EC.

I wish to put on record that it was the good work of Lieutenant General BK Akafia in 2000, then the CDS that made it possible for the then Presidential Candidate Kofour of the NPP in the 2000 election to win the Presidential election. It was the warning issued by General BK Akafia to the personnel of the Military who may be called upon to help secure the election as well as to the other personnel to act as observers when within voting areas that ensured free and fair election in 2000. This is a fact acknowledged by President Kofour. One of my godfathers in the Military in the person of General BK Akafia should please be contacted for a very rich experience from a seasoned Military Commander.

The security failure or lapses that contributed to the very low result scored by the NPP or the loss of the NPP at the bye election at Tain Constituency in 2008 need to be revisited by the Security especially the IGP and his team. I hope the video tapes are available with GTV etc. Likewise the incidents at the bye elections at Ayawaso Wagon and even Assin North not forgotten the alleged security lapses at Techiman which NDC claimed was robbed need to be reviewed by the IGP for best or better security measures for the 2024 election. Talking about the Assin North Bye-election, the IGP, the EC and affected media houses which covered an incident of a huge bundle of GHC5.00 notes pocketed by a Police Officer, allegedly as a bribe to the officials of the EC at a Polling Station must be investigated if not done or the outcome of the investigation must be made public and affected person(s) punished to serve as deterrent to future Officials of EC or the public.

The Chief Bugri Nabu’s tape also afforded the public to learn more about the good work of the IGP and his team. The IGP and his team deserve special commendations. At this juncture, I wish to put on record or make an info through you for the Consumption of the IGP, that the Police post built with good MTN Services between Tarkwa and Bogoso at Timtimhwe to combat the armed robbery activities was done by Bogoso Mine when as the Security Superintendent of the Bogoso Mine, as Company’s Social Responsibility I caused the Company to construct the post with provision of beds with mattresses, a bore hole, a transformer etc. This was done when I lobbied with my good friend Hon Cudjoe, the current Hon Member of Parliament for Prestea Huni Valley in the NDC’s stable, when he was then the DCE in 2015 or so to buy the idea and I also lobbied with then Chief Superintendent Tabi then the Tarkwa Divisional Commander and now COP Tabi of the Police Management Board responsible for the activities of Private Security Companies to buy the idea and help to provide Police personnel for the Post which happily did. So Mr. IGP Bogoso Mine for that matter the Ghana Chamber of Mines shares the glory of your good work.

Fellow Citizens, it must be noted that security personnel were either with the socialism or capitalism or private enterprise block hence either NDC’s ideology or the NPP ideology before joining their respective services, the Security Intelligence or Security Agencies could also obtain an idea of a person’s political ideology during current affairs exams etc. Hence ones sympathy to a political persuasion can be obtained from ones background. It is for this and other reasons including Constitutional provision of human rights that in USA, the troops are permitted to attend political party events but not in security uniform, they allowed to make contributions to a political campaign or organization but they are not serve with partisan club, nor speak at party gathering etc for its cause.

So, please join me to recommend to the State especially Mr IGP or the Police Council, that the action of the affected Police Officers namely COP Mensah and Superintendent Asare should rather attract a lesser punishment otherwise a reprimand since their actions though a very bad one or offensive, the fact that a lot of lessons emanated from their recorded private conversations, which I recommend should be regarded as a good omen from God for the Nation to sit up and do the right security measures toward and during national elections. Thus the nation see it as food for thought. I wish to end that the incidents at some of the centers for the limited Voter Registration exercise suggest that the EC and the Police need to up their game.
