Tue, 19 Sep 2023 Headlines

We are not governed in Ghana; we are just extorted from daily – Oliver Barker-Vormawor

We are not governed in Ghana; we are just extorted from daily – Oliver Barker-Vormawor

FixTheCountry Convener, Osagyefo Oliver Barker-Vormawor has expressed his frustration with the governance system in Ghana.

Narrating his stressful ordeal in securing a Police report to make an insurance claim after an accident, the popular activist said he is convinced Ghanaians are not governed.

He insists that in Ghana, citizens are just extorted from daily by those in power.

“Our governance systems have been completely broken down! We are not governed; we are extorted from daily!

“Everyone who chooses to do the right thing in our society is the fool! You are the weird one,” Oliver Barker-Vormawor shared in a post on Twitter.

In the narration of his ordeal, he said it has taken him 5 months to get a 2-page police report for the insurance claim on his car after the accident.

He said on several occasions, the Police wanted to be paid something, even for the release of the report.

Read the full post below:
In early May this year, a guy drove into the back of my Car right around Tesano police station, sometime around 6pm.

I was stepping out for a rendezvous. And my entire evening was ruined. I got home around 11pm.

The guy begged for us to exchange numbers and both drive away. Never mind that my car was not even drivable. He promised that he will pay me later to settle the issue. I declined. I insisted that I did not want any money from him. Since he was insured, I wanted us to do the proper thing and file an insurance claim.

He didn’t understand. He insisted that going the police route will just complicate everything. He felt I was punishing him, for insisting that we do the right thing.

Even the Police tried to get the matter removed from the Police station. They kept reacting to me for being the unreasonable party who didn’t want the matter to end quickly. At some point and in one of those meetings at the Police Commander’s office; I eventually got tired and said, okay fine. As long as the guy pays for the repairs, I am happy to have the matter withdrawn.

Of course, the guy couldn’t pay for the repairs. And that went no where. But for 2 months, this guy with Police encouragement, will be calling my Phone, morning afternoon evening to withdraw the matter. As some point even, the guy having found out who I was, went to get family members to call me to withdraw the matter.

I just wanted a police report to file an insurance claim as you are supposed to. It was not the kind of accident to which the other guy would have been exposed to the risk of jail, by my insisting on the right thing being done.

Anyway, Since May, it has taken 5 months, to receive a 2 page police report which will enable me apply for insurance.

5 months. In that period, my car was immobilized and impounded at the Police station. While at the police station, thieves stole spare parts of the car.

It’s taken 5 months to get a 2 page police report. I can’t tell you how many times, the Police wanted to be paid something, even for the release of the report!

Our governance systems have been completely broken down! We are not governed; we are extorted from daily!

Everyone who chooses to do the right thing in our society is the fool! You are the weird one!

Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo
Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo

JournalistPage: EricNanaYawKwafo
