Fri, 28 Jul 2023 Feature Article

When nations are called to testify (Part 8)

When nations are called to testify (Part 8)

A dark cloud seemingly out of the unknown appeared above the nations gathered. Jesus Christ saw it first and discovered the face of the devil in it so familiar to him from his forty days in the desert. God was not aware of what was about to come. His mind was entirely focused on his nations. The winds were blowing the atmosphere changed. Something was in the air at that moment. When Jesus Christ pointed out the dark cloud to his Father God looked at it and it was no more. Gone as mysteriously as it had appeared. God stretched his body and stretched out his hands to bless his nations before he was interrupted by loud noise.

"If you in Latin America stop production of illegal drugs once and for all your presidents not being part of the dirty deals we in Europe would not have to pick up all the dead bodies in our countries. Crime and prostitution would come down. People would live a dignified life and not be shot dead in clans and gang violence in Hamburg, Germany Reeperbahn or the Bronx in New York," got Miss Europe very angry and excited. She wanted to raise but Jesus Christ calmed her down. By the look of his eyes, peace prevailed at least for the moment of the look. No guarantee given what happens when he turns his back on people or rests his eyes.

Mr. Latin America folded his hands as an unmistakable sign of innocence before calmly retaliating: "You Miss Europe and Mr. North America are hypocrites of the highest order. During the Afghan war, the USA and only the USA were mandated to destroy the poppy fields that the Taliban used to make money out of illegal drugs smuggled over the Hindukush into neighboring Pakistan. The enormous profits generated made them buy weapons and bombs that killed German soldiers and others in Afghanistan. Germans soldiers were angry with the Americans because of that as the Americans did not destroy the poppy fields. And think of Guantanamo Bay in Cuba Island. Suspects from the Taliban and other organizations were held in prison without any charges or trials brought against them. Some of them like the Iraqi prisoners of war in Iraq were torched and mistreated and the US governments insist still today that these soldiers should not be subjected to the ICC in Den Haag. They do wrong and get away with it even violating the American Constitution...but no one seems to care because of the power the USA has in this world."

"To compare apples with bananas...," wanted Mr. Arabia to moderate but was cut short.

"You want to from your corner of the world not having a clean record to honor human seriously want to suggest to us that we are a banana republic?" was Mr. Latin America in his element of emotional reactions. "You better watch your words, Sir."

God whispered into the ears of his son the remarkable words for the nations not to hear: "When we allow them to come out openly with what they think about the others Cain and Abel would be around us in their numbers and our angles instead of signing and praising me on their clouds would do nothing but clean the blood poured out before my feet." He smiled with great concern engraved on his forehead. Then he asked: " How on earth were you ever able to live among them, my son? Truly the testing and training in the desert had paid off."

"My Father, my created the heavens and the earth. You as the creator of man know them better than me," humbled Jesus Christ himself under the feet of his father.

Which team do you think has the higher chance of winning the 2024 elections?

Started: 02-07-2024 | Ends: 31-10-2024
