
‘Supreme Court's ruling on Assin North MP baffling, a blow to democracy’ — Minority

Headlines Minority Leader Cassiel Ato Forson[left] and expunged Assin North MP, James Gyekye Quayson
Minority Leader Cassiel Ato Forson[left] and expunged Assin North MP, James Gyekye Quayson

The Minority Caucus in Parliament has expressed dismay at the Supreme Court's ruling that declared the election of James Gyakye Quayson, Member of Parliament for Assin North constituency, as unconstitutional, null, and void.

According to Justice Jones Dotse, who read the unanimous decision by a seven-member panel, Mr. Quayson failed to renounce his Canadian citizenship before filing to run for Parliament, which is in contravention of the 1992 Constitution.

The court's full reasons for the decision will be given in a judgment to be issued on June 7, 2023, the presiding judge said.

In a press statement released today, May 17, the Caucus described the decision as "baffling" and a "slap in the face of our democracy and the rule of law."

The Minority Caucus argues that the intention of Ghana's constitution is not to allow a dual citizen to perform the functions of a Member of Parliament.

It indicated that it is however surprising that the Supreme Court could direct the removal of such a person who has already been duly elected as a Member of Parliament after being cleared by the Electoral Commission.

"It is important to place on record that as at the time of his election, Hon. James Gyakye Quayson was not a dual citizen, neither was he a dual citizen as at the time he took the oath of office as a Member of Parliament," the statement said.

The Caucus added that while it is yet to study the reasoning of the court in taking the decision, it appears to be a blow to democracy and the rule of law.

The statement, signed by Minority Leader Hon. Cassiel Ato Forson (PhD), MP, assured the public that the Caucus would inform them of its position upon reviewing the reasoning of the Court in arriving at its decision.

They also urged their rank and file to remain calm while they pursue all legal avenues to ensure that justice is served.

Find a full copy of the press release below:


Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

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