Wed, 17 May 2023 NDC

Pentecost Church leader elected NDC Parliamentary candidate for Agona West

By Abdul-Wahab || Contributor
Pentecost Church leader elected NDC Parliamentary candidate for Agona West

The NDC Parliamentary candidate elect for Agona East constituency, Mrs Ernestina Ofori Dangbey celebrates her victory in church on Sunday, 14th May, 2023.

The purpose was to give thanks and praises to the almighty God for the massive endorsements by delegates of the constituency.

The commended the delegates for reposing confidence in her to lead the charge towards reclaiming the parliamentary seat; a responsibility she accepts with grace, candor and humility.

The event took place at the Wawase District of The Church of Pentecost, Agona Swedru, where she regularly worships as the Assistant Area Women’s leader; comprising a total of 25 Districts, including Agona Nyakrom, Gomoa Jukwa, Agona Asafo,Agona Kwanyako ,Asikuma, Dwenho, Wawase, Odoben, Afransi, Abodom, Bobikuma, Mahondwe, Otsenkorang among others.

In her thanksgiving speech, she thanked the almighty God, her family, The Church of Pentecost, Constituency Executives, Branch Executives, Party Members, council of elders, cadres, Nananom, friends and well wishers who stood by her through thick and thin.

Hon Wiah Asomaning Maxwell, her opponent was also singled out for praise for the tough contest, his magnanimity in defeat, and assurance of himself and his supporters to throw their weight fully behind her.

She was flanked by her husband, Mr Emmanuel Dangbey, who in her words is the “pillar and cornerstone” of her success.

Also among the delegation is the constituency Chairman and Secretary, Alex Asiedu Sekorme and Eric Gyamfi-Odoom respectively, together with other constituency executives, Branch executives, former constituency executives, friends and well wishers.

Which team do you think has the higher chance of winning the 2024 elections?

Started: 02-07-2024 | Ends: 31-10-2024
