
NDC primaries: I never expected defeat because my constituents said I've served them well – ABA Fuseini

Headlines ABA Fuseini, MP for Sagnarigu
ABA Fuseini, MP for Sagnarigu

Member of Parliament for Sagnarigu in the Northern Region, Alhassan Bashir Fuseini affectionately called ABA Fuseini has reacted to his defeat in the just-concluded National Democratic Congress (NDC) parliamentary and presidential primaries.

Having served for three terms and once a regional minister, the lawmaker said he never expected a defeat.

He said that throughout his interactions with the delegates, they affirmed their love and trust in him based on his work as a legislator.

"Honestly, I believed that my constituents have always had confidence in me. Indeed, when I went around and met them, there was no doubt in my mind that they would endorse me because they publicly told me that I had served them well and would give me another mandate," he expressed.

He noted that though he is unsatisfied with the outcome and suspects foul play, he will continuously offer his support to the party to retain the seat and also to win the presidential race in the coming elections.

"I don't want to sound like a bad loser, but I think many untoward things happened. As a party person, I don't want to put my party in the spotlight, but I believe I discharged my duties well.

"I accept the full verdict as given by the people of Sagnarigu, and I will do whatever it takes for the party and its supporters to retain the seat for the NDC. The NPP does not deserve an iota of support from the NDC," he said.

Mr. Fuseini was defeated by a fresh candidate.

He polled 333 votes while his closest contender, Atta Issah, doubled his share with 801 votes, emerging as the next parliamentary candidate in the constituency ahead of the 2024 general elections.

Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

News ReporterPage: IsaacDonkorDistinguished
