
When will Ghanaians ever be ready to resist oppressors’ rule? – Oliver Barker quizzes

Social News Oliver Barker Mawuse Vormawor, lead convener of the #FixTheCountry
Oliver Barker Mawuse Vormawor, lead convener of the #FixTheCountry

Oliver Barker Mawuse Vormawor, the lead convener of the #FixTheCountry Movement, has called out Ghanaians for their apathetic attitude towards oppressors' rule by government.

In a tweet on Tuesday, April 18, the activist questioned why citizens fail to resist oppressors' rule despite singing the national anthem "...and help us to resist oppressors rule."

Mr. Barker expressed his disappointment in the citizens' lack of action, stating, "Those who oppress us are not fatigued. Yet we the oppressed say we are so fatigued and demoralized to even fight back. Strange. So we do nothing!"

He emphasized the need for citizens to be vigilant and fight against their tormentors, urging the youth to wake up and take a stand against oppression.

He stated, "Bizarre that for all our formative years we are made to chant 'and help us to resist oppressors rule' and when it gets to when we resist, we say not today. Not me."

Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

News ReporterPage: IsaacDonkorDistinguished
