
Chad junta frees 380 pardoned rebels

Chad Chadian soldiers stand guard watched by pardoned rebels following their release from Ndjamena's  Klessoum prison.  By Denis Sassou Gueipeur (AFP)
Chadian soldiers stand guard watched by pardoned rebels following their release from Ndjamena's Klessoum prison. By Denis Sassou Gueipeur (AFP)

Chad's government said it had released 380 rebels on Wednesday after pardoning them from life prison terms handed down over the death of former ruler Idriss Deby Itno.

In a televised ceremony, an AFP journalist at Klessoum jail near the capital N'Djamena saw 30 men dressed in black-and-white-striped prison uniforms line up before government officials who gave them their certificate of release.

The other 350 were released in a ceremony that took place beforehand, said Justice Minister Mahamat Ahmat Alhabo, who was in attendance.

His account was confirmed by an attorney for the prisoners, Vetada Vounsia Atchenemou.

On March 21, more than 400 rebels were sentenced in a court at the jail following a mass trial.

They were pardoned four days later by junta leader and transitional president General Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno.

The rebels are members of the Front for Change and Concord in Chad (FACT), the country's biggest armed opposition group.

They were captured after FACT launched an offensive on northern Chad from bases in Libya in early 2021.

The operation culminated in the death of Deby's father, Idriss Deby Itno, Chad's iron-fisted ruler for the previous three decades, who had headed to the region to take command.

His death was announced on April 20, just a day after he had been declared victor of a presidential election that gave him a sixth term in office.

His 37-year-old son took the helm at the head of a 15-member junta.

The rebels were convicted for "acts of terrorism, mercenarism, recruitment of child soldiers and assaulting the head of state," according to the official statement.

The pardon does not apply to FACT's leader, Mahamat Mahdi Ali, who is on the run, or 55 other rebels who were sentenced, some in absentia.

On March 27, Deby pardoned 259 out of 262 people who had been jailed following clashes between anti-junta protesters and the security forces last December.

Seventy-three people died, according to the authorities. The Chadian human rights commission, CNDH, has estimated a death toll of 128.
