
Hypocrite US can’t sanction Ghana for rejecting LGBT+ — Sam George

Headlines Sam George, MP for Ningo Prampram
Sam George, MP for Ningo Prampram

Member of Parliament for Ningo Prampram and a lead advocate for anti-LGBTQ+ bill in Ghana’s Parliament, Sam Nartey George, has reiterated his stance.

The vocal lawmaker said the United States of America can never sanction Ghana over the nation’s stance against LGBTQ+ community.

Speaking on Accra-based JoyNews, Mr. Nartey described the US government as a hypocrite who thinks it can just go around and be deciding for countries.

The MP cited Saudi Arabia which remains a biggest trade partner of US despite its strong stance against LGBTQ+.

"Americans are hypocrites. Saudi Arabia is one of their biggest trade partners," he said, adding, "Uganda has passed a law, and what sanction has America placed on them? Nothing."

According to him, Ghana "does not need Americans for aid," but rather "we need the IMF."

Americans, according to Sam George, feel it can dictate for Ghana due to the nation's recklessness in running to the western country to help beg Paris Club for debt forgiveness.

"Due to our recklessness, we are now begging Americans to go and beg the Paris Club," he said.

To the committee deliberating on the anti-LGBTQ+ bill, Sam George expressed appreciation for their diligent work.

"We are grateful to the committee for the diligent work they have done and also to the Speaker of Parliament for his support," he remarked.

In July 2021, some legislators, led by Sam George, introduced a bill known as the "Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill," which seeks to criminalise LGBTQ+ activities in the country.

The bill proposes up to 10 years of imprisonment for LGBTQ+ individuals, as well as for individuals or groups that advocate for LGBTQ+ rights.

The bill has been met with widespread criticism from human rights groups and LGBTQ+ advocates who argue that it violates the fundamental rights of LGBTQ+ individuals to freedom of expression, association, and non-discrimination.

The bill has also been criticised by international organisations such as the United Nations and the European Union, which have called on the Ghanaian government to respect the rights of all individuals regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Despite the criticism, the bill has received support from some members of Ghana's parliament and religious leaders who argue that homosexuality is a threat to Ghanaian culture and traditional family values.

The bill is currently being debated in parliament, and it remains to be seen whether it will be passed into law.

Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

News ReporterPage: IsaacDonkorDistinguished
