
Auditor’s report: Akufo-Addo too quick to clear appointees because they benefited from Covid-19 loot – Clement Apaak

  Fri, 10 Mar 2023
Politics Auditor’s report: Akufo-Addo too quick to clear appointees because they benefited from Covid-19 loot – Clement Apaak

Member of Parliament for Builsa South Constituency in the Upper East Region and a member of the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament is unhappy with the way and manner President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo is quick to clear his appointees mentioned in the Auditor-General’s report on the Covid-19 expenditure of wrongdoing.

According to Dr Clement Apaak, the president’s appointees caught in the Covid-19 fund misappropriation are corrupt.

He said the report has just been presented to the Public Accounts Committee and as a member, "I will be diligent in ensuring the said appointees caught in the grand scale theft are held accountable."

"The president is aware his appointees heavily benefited from the loot so he quickly wants to clear them from any wrongdoings," Dr Apaak alleged.

The main opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) MP for Builsa South made these comments while reacting to the posturing of the president during his presentation of the State of the Nation Address (SONA) to Parliament in an interview on the Ghana Yensom morning show hosted by Odehyeeba Kofi Essuman on Accra 100.5 FM on Friday, March 10, 2023.

He said the president behaved as if there was nothing wrong with the queries raised by the Auditor-General when in fact the state lost a quantum of money through corruption.

He said what was contained in the report was grand-scale thievery on the part of the appointees of the president.

He cited the situation of the Ministry of Information where staff were paid covid allowance when they were not entitled to such.

The president in the SONA said: ''It was Government that asked for the COVID funds to be audited, and I can assure this House that nothing dishonourable was done with the COVID funds.

"The responses from the Ministers for Health and Finance, on January 23 and 25, 2023, respectively, have sufficiently laid to rest the queries from the Auditor General’s report, and I believe any objective scrutiny of these statements from the Health and Finance Ministries would justify this conclusion."

