Wed, 08 Mar 2023 Social News

Organized Labour charges EC to reconstitute IPAC

  Wed, 08 Mar 2023
Mr. Abraham Koomson General Secretary of Ghana Federation of LabourMr. Abraham Koomson General Secretary of Ghana Federation of Labour

Mr. Abraham Koomson General Secretary of Ghana Federation of Labour (GFL) has called the Electoral Commission (EC) to reconstitute the Inter Party-Advisory Committees (IPAC) which according to him has brought some cordiality and diplomacy between parties and catalyzed an indirect decision-making process on our electoral process since its inception.

He recounted that the concept of IPAC was conceived by the EC based on experiences gained from the 1992 general elections, based on which the Commission came under intense criticism especially from political parties in opposition ranging from the electoral process or the conduct of the polls through to suspicion.

He noted that the current political environment is not different from what pertained after the 1992 elections, “we expect the EC to work with all political parties with respect and not portray itself as an appendix of any political party”.

Mr. Koomson made the recommendation at the Ghana News Agency Tema Industrial News Hub Boardroom Dialogue platform when reacting to the ongoing debate, and parliamentary discourse on continuous Voters Registration Constitutional Instrument (CI) which has drawn divergent arguments from parliamentarians, political parties, civil society organizations, and the public.

He said no one is against any reforms aimed at improving the electoral systems, “let us go back to the basis for which IPAC was formed,” stressing that “IPAC was formed to bring together representatives of the political parties on a monthly basis with members of the EC to discuss and try to build a consensus on electoral issues.

“Representatives of the international donor community that have assisted the electoral process were also invited to observe proceedings at IPAC, this is what we must do currently to address the issues at stake on the CI”.

He also called on the EC to consult all political party actors across the broad spectrum, and “build on consensus to navigate technical issues which have the potential to create tension in the country”.

Mr. Koomson urged the EC to scan the environment for the actions and inactions of political parties both in opposition and in government and the conduct of the electorate and other stakeholders in the electoral systems to build bridges to accommodate views in “a give-and-take manner”.

The GFL General Secretary reminded the current advocates for electoral reforms, “that call for reforms have also been part of the political and electoral system, people must not be trumpeting the call with dynamism as if they are the first proponents of electoral reforms in Ghana”.

He revealed that electoral reforms have become part of Ghana’s electoral system, stressing “it is in fact a four-year ritual as politicians, always try to take advantage of the electoral system, hence the need for constant and periodic reforms”.

He, therefore, called on the EC to go back to the drawing table, and listen to other political parties, civil society organizations, media, religious and traditional leaders, and broader society to share ideas on the new CI.

The GFL General Secretary also cautioned EC officials about their posture in the public domain, especially when engaging in public discussion, “sometimes the body language and the pronouncements of some EC Commission members is that of politicians and not Election Management Body”.

Mr. Koomson explained that since the dispensation of the 1992 Constitution, political parties have formed the bedrock upon which Ghana’s democracy has evolved.

He said the role played by these political parties has contributed immensely to making Ghana the beacon of hope for the African continent, therefore the EC Chairperson and the leadership of the commission must engage all stakeholders and not behave as a “take it or leave it offer”.

-CDA Consult II Contributor
