
GNAT commends Hon. Naana Eyiah for her contribution towards educational development in Gomoa Central

By Benedict Kweku Nkrumah || Contributor
Education GNAT commends Hon. Naana Eyiah for her contribution towards educational development in Gomoa Central

The Central Regional Secretary of the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), Mr. Abdulae Baaba Yussif has indicated that the Association appreciate the immense contribution of the Member of Parliament for Gomoa Central, Hon. Naana Eyiah towards the provision of quality educational standards in her constituency.

"GNAT has no option but to appreciate the effort of Hon. Naana Eyiah to motivate teachers in her constituency to enhance effective teaching and learning.

"It is worthy of emulation and I encourage her colleague MPs to do same in their various constituencies because teachers play important role in the production of quality manpower resources for national development," he stated.

Mr. Abdulae Baaba Yussif said this at a durbar sponsored by the Member of Parliament for Gomoa Central Hon. Naana Eyiah to award 21 hardworking teachers drawn from the Kindergarten Department to Senior High Schools in the Gomoa Central District of the Central Region last Friday.

The Regional Secretary once again lauded the MP for creating a conducive environment for teachers to facilitate teaching and learning.

"Let all come together to support teachers to perform better than expected because if given the needed resources, they will perform better.

"GNAT will continue to support Government and its agencies in the educational sector. This awards ceremony is a welcome news to those of us in the Teaching Industry," he stressed.

Mr. Abdulae Baaba Yussif was however not happy about the lack of decent accommodation for teachers especially those in deprived areas across the country saying it was a hindrance to effective teaching in the affected Schools.

He expressed the hope that much attention would be attached to the welfare of teachers.

Hon. Naana Eyiah on her part noted that the awards ceremony was her widow's mite to motivate teachers in her constituency and to encourage the awardees as well as their colleagues to improve their effort in the classrooms.

"This is not going to be a 9-day wonder but will be an annual project aimed at ensuring significant improvement in academic standards.

"Enough infrastructure has been provided for the educational sector thus creating conducive environment for effective teaching and learning has now become a major priority. The attention now is to seek the welfare of our gallant teachers.

"Today's Awards form part of initiatives put in place to motivate teachers to bring out their best. For over 6 years now, our results in both BECE and WASSE have improved significantly and it's a plus to the District Directorate of the Ghana Education Service (GES) and Gomoa Central District as a whole," Hon. Naana Eyiah noted.

The Gomoa Central Member of Parliament called on teachers across the country to rally behind His Excellency President Akufo-Addo's led NPP Government to formulate more pro-poor policies and programmes to cushion Ghanaians.

She assured that she would collaborate with the Gomoa Central District Assembly to make formal education accessible to every child of school-going age in the District.

The Gomoa Central District Chief Executive, Hon. Benjamin Kojo Otoo announced that the MP decided to celebrate her 60th birthday with teachers hence the awards to recognize their contribution to the growth of education.

"The sacrificial work of teachers in their various fields of study should be appreciated because hard work pays and so should teachers receive their rewards while on the earth.

"The Gomoa Central District Assembly will continue to the District Education Directorate in its quest to improve academic standards in our schools.

"Our Member of Parliament, Hon Naana Eyiah is the epitome of development and womanhood. This award is in line with Government's policy that education should become accessible, affordable and burden free for parents," he emphasised.

The Gomoa Central District Director of the Ghana Education Service, Madam Theodora Abaloo commended the MP for her kind gesture adding that the Directorate really appreciate her immense contribution to the growth of education in the District.

Chief of Gomoa Gomoa Akropong No.2. Nana Odum Amanfo IV who chaired the occasion lauded the Gomoa Central MP for motivating teachers in the Gomoa Central District.

Miss Mercy Ofeibea Akoto of Gomoa Obuasi D/A 'A' Junior High School won the Overall District Best Teacher Award.

Other awards went to Miss Bernice Ofori, District Best K.G Teacher, Miss Deborah Edumadze, District Best Primary School Teacher and Madam Emelia Boevi, District Best K.G Headmistress.

The rest were Mr. Emmanuel Owusu, District Best Senior High School Teacher and Mr. Micheal Addo Bempong of Pomadze-Asebu D/A 'A' Basic School, District Best Circuit Teacher among others who received similar awards.
