
My child had aggregate 35 but was not placed in any school, while someone with aggregate 37 got a school – Mother vex

  Sat, 18 Feb 2023
Education My child had aggregate 35 but was not placed in any school, while someone with aggregate 37 got a school – Mother vex

Resolution Centres have been set up across the regions of the country to address all issues regarding the Computerized School Placement System (CSPS).

This comes on the back of the release of school placements for Form 1 students going to Senior High Schools (SHSs).

There are Regional resolution centres across the country in districts and second cycle institutions set up to address all issues regarding the SHS placement.

Parents and their wards on Friday, 17 February 2023, stormed the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) hall in Accra, to have their wards who were not placed in schools of their choice, placed.

A parent who could not understand why her ward had not been placed in any of the schools of her choice spoke to Accra-based UTV.

She intimated that: “My daughter had aggregate 35 but didn’t get any of the schools of her choice. Another girl she went to school with who had aggregate 39 was placed in her first choice school. That’s why we’re here to effect the changes.

“My child said she really wrote the exams. Her private tutor is even surprised she got that aggregate. She choose Aburi Girls, Mfanstsiman and Aggrey, she did not even get any of them.”

However, in an interview with Class News’ Jessica Akuah Ampim, Deputy Co-ordinator for free Senior High School, Nana Afare Sika Mensah, dispelled notions that students are placed randomly in schools.

“We deal with systems when we run the system. We place you based on your merit, the auto system is based on merit. So when it’s given to you, that’s what we do, but when it doesn’t happen like that, that’s where we do the self-placement. You go and do the self-placement so you choose the school for yourself.

“We give out names of schools depending on the spaces available for the day. So if we have spaces in the school, we give it out so that you choose those schools and we go and work it out for you. But if there’s no space in the school, it’s full up, there’s nothing we can do about it.”

She urged parents to remain calm as there are enough schools to accommodate all prospective SHS students.

“The vacancy can accommodate everybody, those who have not been placed, so they should calm down, they’ll all go to school,” she assured.

She further cautioned parents against paying persons to have their wards placed in schools as the exercise is entirely free.

“I want to caution all parents that this exercise or this activity that we’re doing is basically for free. They are not supposed to pay a dime to anybody, it’s free of charge and we’re not paying anything so they shouldn’t pay money to perpetrators or whoever will come to them that they can get them placement in their school of choice or anything, it’s free and we’re not paying anything.”

