Wed, 01 Feb 2023 Social News

Safer Internet Day 2023: Cyber Safety Advocate urges internet users to get involved

  Wed, 01 Feb 2023
Safer Internet Day 2023: Cyber Safety Advocate urges internet users to get involved

A foremost advocate of internet safety, Mr. Rotimi Onadipe has called on internet users globally to get involved in this year's Safer Internet Day which is coming up on Tuesday, February 7, 2023.

Mr. Onadipe made the call on Saturday, January 28, 2023 at his organisation's weekly program, which is aimed at counseling and educating members of the public about how to stay safe online.

According to him, Safer Internet Day is celebrated across the world in the month of February of every year and it aims to raise awareness about online safety, adding that this year's edition will be the 20th edition of the campaign.

He said: "We must be informed that as long as we have our smartphone, social media, email and we search for information on the internet, we are not exempted from facing online dangers.

"Internet Safety is our collective responsibility and we need sufficient information that will protect us from falling victim to online dangers. The best way to get such information is through awareness. Safer Internet Day 2023 is a great opportunity for everyone to get more awareness about internet safety."

In his final remarks, the internet safety advocate urged all internet users globally to get involved in this year's Safer Internet Day, adding that he would be speaking on the importance of Safer Internet Day and it would be a great opportunity for many people to learn more about online safety.
