
Let Akufo Addo Or Ken Ofori-Atta Curse Me To Death, If I Have Wrongly Accused Them Of Being Thieves

Feature Article Let Akufo Addo Or Ken Ofori-Atta Curse Me To Death, If I Have Wrongly Accused Them Of Being Thieves

I, Joel Savage, would like to request that if I have mistakenly accused the president of Ghana, Nana Akufo Addo, and his relative, the finance minister, Ken Ofori-Atta, of being thieves, they both can curse me to death. I have been telling Ghanaians for more than four years that since the president chose his relative to facilitate corruption for him, Ghana will endure the worst political crisis in its history and corruption would be at an all-time high, but many people still don't believe me.

Therefore, I implore them to curse me and deny my assertions because if they do and they are neither corrupt nor thieves; I shall surely perish as soon as the curse is uttered. Although I am the only columnist on ModernGhana who has written about Akufo Addo and his relative, Ken Ofori-Atta, in the context of a high level of corruption, hardships, and a crumbling economy and everything has taken place, there are still others who are not pleased with me and occasionally abuse me. That’s why I issue this challenge.

Numerous tribal bigots and disgruntled Ghanaians still exist, and they still wish that John Mahama, the former president of Ghana, had suffered the same fate as Nana Akufo Addo. Because it didn't happen to him and the current president has shamefully failed to uphold the promises he made to ordinary Ghanaians, they feel very resentful that I would expose and criticize the president. As a result, they believe that the best way to feel better is to attack and humiliate me.


Considering that there are morons in Ghana, who don't believe me when I say that Nana Akufo Addo and Ken Ofori-Atta are expert thieves who have earned degrees in corruption, I permit them to publicly curse me if I have incorrectly accused them of being thieves.

Four years ago, while President Akufo Addo was in office, I noticed his corruption operations right away. I was so troubled by how people seemed to trust him, though, that I felt compelled to write "Which One Is Easier To Say, Akufo Addo Is Corrupt Or A Thief? Akufo Addo wants Ghanaians to comprehend that John Mahama is the most corrupt leader in the country's political history, but I claimed in that article, which was published on February 28, 2020, that anyone who holds such an opinion is a hypocrite.

I continued by saying that despite the theft of 400 NDA tricycles and the untraceability of over 500 excavators confiscated from unlicensed miners, Akufo Addo seemed unconcerned about these crimes but because it is against the opposition leader, John Mahama, the president appointed the former Special Prosecutor to the Airbus corruption case. I feel this to be very shameful and embarrassing politics in Ghana. I received the demeaning remarks listed below after the article's publication.

Andom | 3/6/2020 3:28:59 PM
It's a pity that the "partisan, bias, tribal and NPP hater, so-called home-made "Fante" journalist, Joel Savage, who leaves in Belgium, never saw anything wrong about John Mahama, how he eradicated Atta Mills from the earth surface, his quantum corruption, his gross incompetence and most especially about Mahama's current Airbus bribery scandal and therefore never before wrote anything about all those serious things but always quick to kick against Nana Addo and the NPP.

Just read through his numerous partisan and tribal articles posted on Modernghana and Ghanaweb, it will tell you all about the tribal Fante guy, Joel Savage. It's sad that we have such an old-buggy of 63 years with 3 Kids but behaves like a class 3 pupil.

Essuman | 3/6/2020 3:30:33 PM
Joel Savage, I can't really fathom, why you are such a hypocrite, tribal, partisan bias and to crown it all such a bad person. Your of-late biological mother, Madam Elizabeth Nancy Savage, (may her soul Rest In Peace) was such a lovely and nice woman. Why are you such a gargantuan disgrace to your mother and the rest of your family?

Simon | 3/6/2020 3:35:09 PM
Joel Savage, will you stop your primitivism of insulting the old are yöu?

I. Ann | 3/6/2020 3:43:41 PM
Joel Savage, listen, you full idi-otic son of a bit-ch !!!:

Akuffo-Addo is not corrupt, he hasn't been in any book for taking a bribe, gift or any item for corruption purposes. Mahama, on the other hand, has personally taken items, monies and gifts for corruption purposes. If my understanding of this makes me a child, so be it.

Padmore | 3/6/2020 3:51:11 PM
*Your old "Fante" father Savage, was greedy, corrupt, and a thief, even though he was a bogus journalist, who published almost nothing sensible but sh*t in the 1960s.*

Christina | 3/6/2020 8:28:40 PM
The hypocrite and Mr. too known, Joel Savage is writing the below (attention-seeking) bull-sh*t and rubb-ish about the Belgian King, describing him as a murderer but he's still living in Belgium with his wife and 3 kids, and even his own son is married to a Belgian woman and they have one child.

Mercy Adobea | 3/7/2020 1:54:32 PM
Let, this writer, Joel Savage, tells us his main reason for consistently attacking and insulting President Akufo Addo.

Mercy Adobea | 3/7/2020 3:56:30 PM
I dare the writer Joel Savage to tell us his main reason for consistently attacking and insulting President Akufo Addo. Listen! Joel Savage, with your 63 years, President Akofo Addo could be your father and I am cocksure he is older than your father and mother as well.

Akpaloo Jnr. | 3/9/2020 1:40:46 PM

==> "Which One Is Easier To Say, Akufo Addo Is Corrupt Or A Thief?"

Belgium doesn't even have one-tenth of the resources Ghana has but the fact is that the country's 15 Ministers, plus the Prime Minister, are not st*p*d like the Akufo Addo's elephant-sized Ministers. They know how to create jobs and maintain a flexible economy.

Which one is easier to say, Akufo Addo is corrupt or a thief? As for me, both are easy to say because the Ghanaian leader is not a Messiah. The entire government of Akufo doesn't only lacks intelligence, they are all filthy corrupt.

According to Mr. Kofi Akpaloo, the founder of one of the new political parties in Ghana – Liberal Party of Ghana: “No Reasonable Ghanaian Will Vote For Mahama Again,” Mr. Akpaloo, please, let me tell, don't join the dirty pigs for someone to mistakenly consider you as dirty or one who lacks intelligence.

The fact that many Ghanaians due to hate or ignorance wouldn't like to admit is nobody will ever vote for Akufo Addo again for abandoning projects which belong to Ghana because they were started by the opposition in any Eastern bloc country, including Romania, the poorest, let alone Western Europe.

Isaac | 3/14/2020 5:32:39 AM
THE basta*d HE-GOAT, JOEL SAVAGE: The vagabond, Joel Savage was not raised but reared like a he-goat at home hence lacking respect and manners.

If you read the insults directed at me because I showed that Akufo Addo is a thief, you'll understand why I won't call the president a thief today, instead, I'll call him a criminal because that's what he is, and if he thinks otherwise, he should buy whatever he needs and travel to one of the many rivers in the Ashanti Region to curse me and see who dies between the two of us and, if I need to curse, the people who also insulted me, none will live because God knows that Akufo Addo is a thief.

Since you can't foretell what will happen tomorrow, you shouldn't belittle and insult other people. The president has humiliated them all today, but to be totally honest, I won't curse any of them since anyone who used a true or false name to insult me has already received their just compensation. Some of the writers are so desperate today, to get readers, so they have shifted to writing articles they had never even considered to see if the readers would be interested.

If you are an intelligent Ghanaian, you should question how this writer learned that Akufo Addo is corrupt in 2020. I'm so perplexed that Ghanaians only recently became aware of the president's egregious corruption. It is extremely clear that if you are not corrupt, you will never add corrupt judges, journalists, or politicians to your administration. More importantly, the current special prosecutor is dealing with the same issue as the former special prosecutor, which caused him to resign.

Akufo Addo is a career criminal who has the power to detain those he despises at the Kotoka International Airport, or in the country but he is aware that that he can't touch me, I won't get into details, so let's end it here. If Akufo Addo hadn't been chosen to lead the party, Ghana ought to be among the best nations in West Africa. He arrived with a vengeance because he instilled in him hatred and jealousy against Kwame Nkrumah.

Sadly, he has been cursing himself more often whenever he speaks out to claim that he has done more for Ghana than Kwame Nkrumah. Lies can be stated but their spiritual effects can be exceedingly detrimental. I have stated numerous times in some of my posts that I will not follow Akufo Addo because I don’t want to embarrass myself. The president will readily admit that many NPP politicians are upset with him.

If Akufo Addo finds it simple, he would inform Ghanaians that he has lost a lot of friends and that many people, including some of his family, are upset with him. In a lighthearted manner, I once joked that I should receive an award from the president since if he had read my columns with any seriousness, they would have helped him more than many of the useless articles from tribal bigots promoting tribalism, corruption, and crime to his disadvantage.

Mahama was accused of corruption, but he started many projects and even left some of them uncompleted. In contrast, Akufo Addo has amassed a significant debt for Ghana with no projects at sight, therefore; I don't regret calling President Akufo Addo a thief; he is aware of my accuracy from the year 2020. He has the right to curse me, though, because I'm not afraid of dying, if he believes I've unfairly accused him and Ken Ofori-Atta of being thieves.
