
Economic crisis: NPP unlike NDC feels your pains — Richard Ahiagba tells Ghanaians

NDC Richard Ahiagba, NPP National Communications Director
Richard Ahiagba, NPP National Communications Director

Richard Ahiagba, the National Communications Director of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) has reiterated government’s desire to see the country out of its current economic crisis.

He has disclosed that government and the NPP feel the pains Ghanaians are going through.

He noted that government is working tirelessly to change the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia and Ukraine war.

Mr. Ahiagba slammed the opposition NDC for what he describes as their "fear-mongering" posture.

According to Mr. Ahiagba, the NDC is only good at making unnecessary criticisms with no alternative solutions to help Ghana out of its economic challenges.

"There's no denying the difficulties of our predicament, brought on by the global misfortune of COVID-19 and the R-U war. The NPP & govt recognizes the pain. But what is hard to fathom is the excessive fear-mongering of the NDC, as thou they have alternative proposals. Nothing!" read his tweet on Wednesday, January 18.

Isaac Donkor Distinguished
Isaac Donkor Distinguished

News ReporterPage: IsaacDonkorDistinguished
