Thu, 17 Nov 2022 Social News

Government to establish labour bank — Dr Kingsley Agyeman revealed

  Thu, 17 Nov 2022
Government to establish labour bank — Dr Kingsley Agyeman revealed

The registrar of the Ghana Scholarship Secretariat Dr, Kingsley Agyeman has disclosed that his outfit in collaboration with other state actors including Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) will create a labour bank to address the challenges of investors and also for export.

According to him, this innovation will create a platform for the supply of the right human resource to meet the needs of the industry of Ghanaians who have undergone training outside the country through the scholarship secretariat.

"Work culture and language barriers associated with foreign business will be minimised with the availability of people trained from these countries to promote a healthy working environment for productivity.

"The experience and skills acquired by numerous Ghanaians on scholarship across the globe will be harnessed to the benefit of Ghana," he stated.

He announced this during the 10th anniversary of the Ghana Morocco Old Students Association in Accra under the theme "Celebrating 10years of Promoting Regional Integration through Students Youth Diplomacy."

He noted that the tremendous support Ghana receives from other countries to train Ghanaians offers "us an opportunity to coordinate our human capital for effective deployment to earn foreign exchange and the transfer of technology for local industries."

He underscored the importance of the cooperation between institutions of state to drive policies for the socio-economic development of Ghana.

Labour Bank, an institution where workers who are willing to work could register themselves with it and employers could recruit from is a key strategic resource to institutions for identification and utilization of the right human resource making a significant impact on corporate objectives.

It offers the labour market well-trained personnel, appropriate and tailored to meet the demands of the industry to achieve effectiveness and efficiency.

Ghana can boast of a sizeable number of professionals who obtained training outside the country and are making great strides in their various fields either home or abroad towards development.
