
Former NPP aspirant for Wulensi donates to BECE candidates in Nanumba South District

By Adam Abdul-Fatawu Wunizoya, Tamale
Social News Former NPP aspirant for Wulensi donates to BECE candidates in Nanumba South District

A Wulensi-born philanthropist and former aspirant for Wulensi Constituency in the Northern Region Alhaji Haruna Abdulai has supported candidates of the 2022 Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) in the Nanumba South district to help them write the examination with ease.

The donation made up of mathematical sets, pencils, pens, rulers and erasers among others was presented to the students last Saturday, October 15, 2022.

Speaking at a short ceremony to present the items to the 1,405 beneficiaries, Alhaji Abdulai who is also a former Northern Regional Financial Secretary of NPP and Lead Consultant for the Ghana Integrated Iron and Steel Development Corporation (GIISDEC), encouraged the students to study hard to pass the exams well to make themselves, their families and the entire municipality proud.

He also urged parents to be interested in their ward's education to enable them become responsible future leaders of the nation.

The Financial Controller and Director of Genser Energy, a Power and Midstream Gas Company in Ghana also pledged more of his support to the development of education in the area.

Alhaji Abdulai told the gathering that the donation was to cushion the burden of parents and also help the students in writing the examination with limited or no challenges.

"When you are going in for your exam, just make sure you get yourself ready and report to the exam Centre early, don't be late to the exam hall," he told the students

The Nanumba South District Chief Executive(DCE) Issifu Zakaria, in his submission said the NPP government was committed to the development of education in the area and assured the students and people of the area that more classrooms and learning materials would be provided to help improve performance and attendance.

The Nanumba South District Education Director Alhassan Issahaku, upon receiving the items on behalf of the directorate, thanked Alhaji Abdulai for the kind gesture.

He also said the items would be distributed to the beneficiaries as planned to help them write the BECE examination well.

The director also appealed to the students to eschew exam malpractice and rather, study hard so that they could pass the exams to enable them to continue their education to the Senior High level.

The donation was witnessed by parents, teachers, chiefs and some government officials.
