
UDS holds investiture for 5th Vice Chancellor

By Adam Abdul-Fatawu Wunizoya, Tamale
Education UDS holds investiture for 5th Vice Chancellor

The University for Development Studies (UDS) has held an investiture for its newly appointed and 5th Vice-Chancellor Professor Seidu Alhassan.

The event which was meant to officially outdoor the new Vice-Chancellor took place at Multipurpose Auditorium on Tuesday, October 11, 2022.

It was chaired by the Chairman of the University's Governing Council, Professor Wayo Seini and brought together family members, friends, management and staff of the University, lecturers, politicians and the academia.

Also present at the event were Vice President Dr Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia, MMBCEs, Deans and Directors, students and the traditional authority.

Vice President Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia in his remarks urged Tertiary institutions in Ghana to get accreditation for courses they offer to students.

He also the government of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) was committed to the provision of quality, accessible and affordable education in Ghana.

The Veep also pledged the support of the NPP government to the development of education in Ghana.

The Vice President tasked the new Vice Chancellor to work towards making the University one of the best in the country and beyond by continuing the good works of his predecessors.

Dr Bawumia urged the university community to allow cool heads and understanding to prevail in the UDS to strengthen and guide the Vice Chancellor, Professor Seidu Al-Hassan’s governance style.

“I charge the new leadership to realign its programs with the government’s priority agenda. Staff should rally behind the Vice Chancellor and the Governing Council to develop the UDS to serve its purpose of poverty reduction," he said

He added "The government expects the UDS to prioritize the rolling out of more Science" programmes”.

The Chairman of the University's Governing Council, Professor Wayo Seini, in an opening remark, pledged the support of the Council for the development of the university.

The chairman also assured the Vice Chancellor of the Governing Council’s unflinching support to enable him deliver his mandate.

Pto professor Wayo Seini commended the UDS hard-working staff for their steadfastness and urged Professor Seidu Al-Hassan to demonstrate full leadership by working with all staff members and external partners.

Professor Seidu Al-Hassan in speech he delivered, expressed gratitude to the Governing Council for endorsing his appointment which resulted from the recommendations of the Vice-Chancellor’s Search Party.

"Key to today’s investiture, of course, are the people who brought me here: the Chairman, Professor Felix Asante and Members of the Search Committee of Vice-Chancellor that recommended my appointment and also the Chairman, Professor Wayo Seini and Members of the University Governing Council that approved my appointment. Thank you all for the confidence reposed in me and for the opportunity to serve this institution that is so dear to my heart,” he said.

The 5th and new Vice Chancellor promised to live up to the expectations of the people who imposed confidence on him by appointing and endorsing him as the new VC for the UDS.

“I will devote myself to doing justice to your faith in me and to advancing our indispensable mandate of fostering a closer interaction between academia and rural communities. I am ready to work with you, and all willing and inspired partners,” he stated.

He appealed to those who also showed interest in the same position but were not picked to rally behind him for the interest of the university and its students.

He thanked the development partners of the university and the traditional authority for their support of the institution since its inception.

He also called for a united force from management, staff and students of the university by focusing on things that would bind the university community together to help the institution in attaining the needed development.

“As we increase diversity, there is the need to work equally hard at building an inclusive environment where everyone feels a sense of belonging, where everyone can thrive regardless of his/her colour, religion, gender orientation, income, or ethnicity.
