Wed, 15 Jun 2022 NPP

NPP National Youth Organizer race: Prince Kamal Gumah outlines 10 key points to 'break the 8'

By Beyonce Diamond Kpogli II Contributor
NPP National Youth Organizer race: Prince Kamal Gumah outlines 10 key points to 'break the 8'

The Aspiring National Youth Organiser for the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Prince Kamal Gumah has outlined ten (10) key points to help the party 'break the 8.'

The aspirant said its time to re-energise the youth to fulfil the 'break the eight' agenda for victory in 2024.

He said the NPP requires a person of his experience, capabilities, character and integrity to help the party win the 2024 election if he becomes the youth organiser of the party.

"Looking at my track records, my capabilities, my integrity, I prince Kamal Gumah can say I'm the best person fit to be the National Youth Organizer for our great party. I have what it takes to mobilise the grassroots which will enable my part to break the eight (8) the 2024 general election", he started.

Speaking at a press conference in Accra, he said the NPP government has created about 2.2 million jobs for Ghanaians in the last 6 years.

Below are the Ten points Prince Kamal Gumah Outlined:

i. Institute a programme to ensure that jobs go directly to the Constituency Youth Organizers for the benefit of registered youth and youth groups at the grassroots level.

ii. Advocate and Lobby for Youth organizer's representation on decentralized systems for the benefit of registered party youth.

iii, Make budgetary allocation for regional and constituency youth wing programmes and activities.

iv. Profile all youth organizers and deputies as priority persons for opportunities.

v. Institute an Annual Youth Dialogue platform with youth organizers and deputies as part of measures to run a transparent and accountable administration.

vi. Institute measures to make TESCON and other Youth Volunteer Groups more vibrant with a focus on Recruitment, Training and Capacity Building as well as Volunteerism.

vii. Facilitate the construction of a permanent National Youth Secretariat.

viii. Facilitate the construction of a model Regional Youth Secretariats in all 16 regions.

ix. Set Up a National Call Centre at the National Secretariat of the youth wing for collating direct feedback and ensuring inclusiveness.

x. Institute a National Welfare Programme for Youth Organizers, Deputies and TESCON Executives and by extension the youth wing with an officer in charge appointed at the National secretariat. Regional Welfare Officers will also be appointed for effective operation.
