
Nkoranza chaos: We can't accept the Police narrative - Cambridge Criminologist

  Wed, 18 May 2022
Social News Nkoranza chaos: We can't accept the Police narrative - Cambridge Criminologist

A Criminologist at the University of Cambridge, Professor Justice Tankebe, has said the narrative by the Police following the murder of the 27-year-old Albert Donkor who reportedly died in Police custody at Nkoranza in the Bono East region, cannot be accepted.

He explained that a lot of times, during deadly upheavals like what is happening in Nkoranza, the Police would explain that they acted on the basis of intelligence they had gathered, a narrative he notes, is always accepted on its face value.

This time round, he said the statement of the Police cannot just be consumed as the gospel truth.

The Police Professional Standards Bureau (PPSB) of the Ghana Police Service took over investigations of what what they described as death of a robbery suspect at Nkoranza.

A statement issued by the Police on Tuesday May 17 said “Following the death of suspect Albert Donkor, the Bono East Police Regional Police Command held engagements with the family of the deceased and other relevant stakeholders in response to their concerns regarding the incident.”

It added “Also, the Police Professional Standards Bureau (PPSB) has commenced an investigation into the incident to ascertain whether the operation was carried out in line with the Standard Operating Procedure of the service. a team from the PPSB has visited the area in this regard.”
