
Europe rushes to congratulate Macron after defeating Le Pen in second round vote

France © Reuters/Sarah Meysonnier
© Reuters/Sarah Meysonnier

World leaders rushed to congratulate French President Emmanuel Macron for his re-election on Sunday in a second round marked by a rise in the far-right vote.

The first political leaders to congratulate Emmanuel Macron for his election victory over his far-right rival Marine Le Pen were France's European partners. 

"We can count on France for five more years," European Council President Charles Michel wrote on Twitter.

"I am delighted to be able to continue our excellent cooperation," tweeted European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

In English and then in French, Boris Johnson also congratulated Emmanuel Macron. In a tweet, he said he looked forward "to continuing to work together on the issues which matter most to our two countries and to the world" calling France "one of our closest and most important allies".

Belgium's Prime Minister Alexander De Croo said French voters had made a "strong choice", opting for "certainty and Enlightenment values".

"I look forward to continuing our extensive and constructive cooperation within the EU and NATO, and to further strengthening the excellent relationship between our countries," Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said.

After Britain's surprise vote to quit the EU and the election of Donald Trump in the United States in 2016, the European bloc was alarmed by Le Pen's potentially explosive social and economic reforms, even if polls showed Macron winning in Sunday's second round.

In Germany, Finance Minister Christian Lindner said Europe was the biggest winner. Chancellor Olaf Scholz said French voters "have sent a strong vote of confidence in Europe today. I am happy that we will continue our good cooperation".

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, who along with Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is seen as forming a powerful trio of pro-EU leaders, also said the re-election was "wonderful news for all of Europe".

 "The citizens have chosen a France committed to a free, strong and fair EU. Democracy wins. Europe wins," tweeted socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. "Congratulations Emmanuel Macron."

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky, who has spoken with Macron several times since Russia's invasion on 24 February, congratulated his French counterpart by phone.

On Twitter, Zelensky called Macron a "true friend of Ukraine."

"I wish him further success for the sake of the (French) people. I appreciate his support and I am convinced that we are moving together towards new common victories," he wrote in both Ukrainian and French.

On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent Emmanuel Macron a message of praise for his re-election, Russian news agencies reported, citing the Kremlin. "I sincerely wish you success in your activities, as well as good health and well-being," he said.

Outside of Europe

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was among the first to congratulate Macron, saying he was "looking forward to continuing our work together on the issues that matter most to people in Canada and France – from defending democracy, to fighting climate change, to creating good jobs and economic growth for the middle class".

Joe Biden also welcomed the victory of the outgoing president. "France is our oldest ally and a key partner in addressing global challenges," US President Joe Biden tweeted. "I look forward to our continued close cooperation -- including on supporting Ukraine, defending democracy, and countering climate change."

In Africa, President Ali Bongo hailed Macron's "brilliant re-election". "More than a shared past, our two countries have a future to build," he said in online comments.

Senegalese president Macky Sall sent Macron his "best wishes for success in his second term of office".

Ivorian president Alassane Ouattara sent Macron his "warm congratulations" in a Facebook post, saying he looked forward to "continuing with him to strengthen the ties of friendship and cooperation between Côte d'Ivoire and France".

UN bodies

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi sent his "warm congratulations" and said his organisation would continue to count on Macron's support on the European and world stage "as humanitarian challenges and refugee crises become more serious and complex every day".

World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said he looked forward to "continuing the important partnership" with France "for a healthier, safer, fairer world".

(with wires)
