Sat, 09 Apr 2022 Headlines

N/R: Man in possession of six foreign pistols arrested at Pigu

N/R: Man in possession of six foreign pistols arrested at Pigu

A man identified as Mohammed Iddi has been arrested by the Police in the Northern Region for the unlawful possession of six foreign pistols.

“The Northern Regional Police Command on Thursday, 7th April 2022 arrested suspect Mohammed Iddi alias “Water” for unlawful possession of firearms,” a statement on the Facebook page of the Ghana Police Service has said.

According to the Police statement, the suspect was arrested at the Pigu police barrier, on the Tamale-Bolgatanga Highway during routine police intelligence operations.

The operation led to the retrieval of six (6) new foreign-made '9mm Calibre Bruni 92' pistols.

Suspect Mohammed Iddi was subsequently arraigned before High Court One on Friday 8th April 2022, in Tamale and has been remanded to police custody.

The suspect is to reappear in Court on 25th April 2022.

The Ghana Police Service while commending the Northern Regional Police Command has assured the public that the Police remains committed to ensuring a safe and secure environment for all.

Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo
Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo

JournalistPage: EricNanaYawKwafo
