
NDC better in government than NPP – Joshua Akamba replies Effah Dartey

  Wed, 09 Mar 2022
NDC NDC better in government than NPP – Joshua Akamba replies Effah Dartey

The National Organizer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Joshua Akamba has asked a stalwart of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) to take a second look at history lessons on the strides Ghana has made under the NDC’s administration.

He reminded Nkrabea Effah Dartey that it was the gains that late president Jerry John Rawlings made after years of his military and constitutional rules that the former president John Agyekum Kufour came to build on.

“Before the NPP came to power in 2001, the NDC under the late Jerry John Rawlings sent a team of experts to Germany to understudy that country’s health insurance programme. It was on the back of these pilot achievements of the NDC that the then NPP’s administration was able to roll out the NHIS,” Mr Akamba said.

“The NPP could not have rolled out the NHIS programme without the NDC’s pilot project,” the NDC National Organizer argued.

On the matter of crude oil discovery, Mr Akamba revealed that a lot of work was done in the Salt Pond basin of the Central Region by Tsatsu Tsikata who was the then Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Petroleum Commission.

He noted that the actions of Mr Tsikata led to his incarceration by the NPP’s administration.

He further revealed that It was under the NDC’s administration that universities and polytechnics were established across the region.

He called out Nkrabea Effah Dartey to come clear on the contribution of the NPP in relation to the welfare of Ghanaians.

“Even the infamous terminal three at the Kotoka International Airport(KIA) which is now a tourist centre was constructed by the NDC led by former president John Dramani Mahama,” he maintained.

Today we have regional and district hospitals across the regions by kind courtesy of the NDC. I know the NPP likes to talk with nothing to show for,” he added.

According to him, he laughs when he hears the NPP say they have the ordinary person at heart.

The NPP should enumerate some of the welfare successes they have chalked in government adding that the current NPP administration under Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has nothing to show after borrowing to the high heavens.

He added that when the 1992 Constitution was being drafted by the Constituent Assembly, the leadership of the NPP refused to be part of the Assembly because it was made up of market women, and chiefs among others.

“The NPP has no links with the needs of the ordinary man on the street,” he added.

Mr Akamba said these on Accra FM’s morning show today, Wednesday, 9 March 2022, in reaction to claims by Effah Dartey that all the NDC do in power is ‘chop chop’, while the NPP comes to power to build.

