
Pay women maternity allowance – Dr Samuel Owusu to gov’t

  Wed, 09 Mar 2022
Social News Pay women maternity allowance – Dr Samuel Owusu to gov’t

The United Nations (UN) Eminent Peace Ambassador and the Country Director for International Association of World Peace Advocates, Ghana Chapter, Dr Samuel Owusu has appealed to the government to introduce maternity allowance to support mothers moving forward.

He observed that most young women get pregnant and end up aborting the pregnancy because of inadequate financial support.

He also observed that most women suffer many sicknesses during pregnancy and do not go to work, hence their consistent suffer income cut.

He described the situation as worrying and called on government to make a law to at least pay pregnant women GHC200 monthly to support them.

Dr Samuel Owusu said this at an event to celebrate the United Nations International Women’s Day, 2022 at the University of Ghana Business School on Tuesday, March 8, 2022.

Organised by the International Association of World Peace Advocate (IAWPA ) Ghana, under the auspices of Dr Samuel Owusu, the event brought together women from different organisations, including Church of Pentecost, Apostolic Church, Madina market, Immigration Service, Federation of Muslim Association National Level, Ogbojo Market Women, Media, and other great speakers to celebrate and to honour them.

As part of the event, a health screening and massage session were done for the women.

Speaking at the event, Dr Samuel Owusu said, “I am appealing to government to introduce maternity monthly allowance for pregnant women and mothers so that they can fall on it during and after pregnancy.”

On the International Women’s Day, Dr Samuel Owusu underscored the need for women to be celebrated, especially amongst themselves.

He noticed that women do not celebrate each other.

“Women are trying, but they need to do more. When women celebrate each other, there is Surety of peace, equality of development and serenity of life,” he said.

Meanwhile, Dr Samuel Owusu also appealed to men to give women the opportunity to strive higher.

He stressed that women will do better when given the same opportunity.

All female speakers at the event, including Atinka TV’s News Editor, Ms Regina Asamoah were honoured with a citation.
