
Ofori-Atta must go; he has poorly handled the Finance Ministry – Jantuah

Headlines Ofori-Atta must go; he has poorly handled the Finance Ministry – Jantuah

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of African Energy Consortium Limited, Kwame Jantuah has urged President Nana Addo Dankwa-Akufo-Addo to reshuffle his Ministers and ensure the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta is moved.

In his view, the lack of reshuffle in the Akufo-Addo administration has not helped in managing the affairs country.

According to him, some Ministers appointed to help the government have failed to deliver and must be replaced for competent people to take over.

In addition to the Finance Minister, Kwame Jantuah also wants the Minister for Roads and Highways as well as the Health Minister moved.

“I think if for nothing, the Minister for Roads and Highways should go, Ministry of Health, I think the Finance Minister should be moved. If you do a poll on Ghanaians they will say that he hasn’t been able to handle the Ministry that well,” the Lawyer shared in an interview as reported by Starr News.

Kwame Jantuah continued, “He [Ofori-Atta] did not consult anybody, no consultation with stakeholders, no consultation with opposition parties then you brought it. You now took it to Parliament it raises so much and you are now doing the consultation.”

The CEO of African Energy Consortium Limited believes that should President Akufo-Addo reshuffle underperforming Ministers, other Ministers will be fired up to work to succeed in the mandate given them at their respective Ministries.

This he stresses, will be beneficial to the government towards achieving its goals.

Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo
Eric Nana Yaw Kwafo

JournalistPage: EricNanaYawKwafo
