
The Fence Sitting Mood of Our Today's NUGS: The Time to Reawaken its Conscience Is Now!!

By Odoom Benjamin
Article The Fence Sitting Mood of Our Today's NUGS: The Time to Reawaken its Conscience Is Now!!

It cannot be gainsaid that the National Union of Ghana Students has contributed immensely to the democratic development of our country. From the policies and programs proposed and advocated, the provision of better political leaders and the protection of the fundamental human rights of ordinary citizens.

From the days of our Independence struggle to the achievement of our Independence and thereafter, NUGS has always been there for Ghanaian Students.

Even in the hay days of Nkrumah's administration, where his penchant for power and influence led him to take cruel actions against the Judiciary and Universities through the passage of the Universities Act (1961) which made him as the Head of State, to be the Chancellor of the universities and the 1964 Amendment Act which sought to bring the Judiciary under the control of the CPP-led government, NUGS was there to defend and battle for the Ghanaian interest.

The glory days of our Union came in the era of Busia, Acheampong and Rawlings. The Union did not only oppose repressive rules and policies but also proposed human centered policies that ensure that the development path of our country was on the right road.

NUGS in the 1970s, as a way of patriotism, recommended the introduction of a National Service Program that would mandate graduates from tertiary institutions who had benefitted from Free Education to render one-year voluntary service to the nation.

Even at a time where Witches and Lizards feared to question the authority of Chairman Rawlings, NUGS was there to battle for what they believed was right and deserving.

The success of our Fourth Republic cannot be eulogized without reference to the extraordinary commitment of NUGS. Fighters like Kwaku Paintsil, Haruna Iddrisu, Okudzeto Ablakwa and many more prominent past Executives of our beloved Union fought so hard just so the basic right and privileges of the Ghanaian Student would be protected.

The story of NUGS is a story of continuous struggle, commitment, dedication, sacrifice, loyalty, patriotism and the respect for the dignity of man.

Despite the rich and handsome state of our Union over the decades, the current state of the Union is one that is worrying and terrifying.

The Union is at a crossroad. It's on a fence sitting mood.

The Union lacks identity and direction. It suffers from inherent incompleteness. And now more than ever, there's the urgent need for us to rescue our Union.

This is not the first time our Union is bedeviled with such difficulties and challenges. Challenges have been part of the growth of our Union - wars, repressions, persecutions and sometimes, the distortion of one's future. Each time, there have been those who told us to fear the future.

Who threatened to disrupt us if we don't do their bidding. And at each time, we overcame them.

Guided by our own recent history that " the sweet heady wine of power is apt to besot and turn rulers into oppressive tyrants", we always rose up at the needed hour.

And because we did, because we saw opportunities where others saw peril, we emerged stronger and better than before. What was true then can be true now.

The challenges may be new, the problems may be new, their methods may be new but the perpetrators are the same.

Will we face it with fear and panic and lose sight of it or we will face it head on and defeat it?



Who owns NUGS?

Is it the political class, godfathers, political parties, NUGS executives or the Ghanaian Students?

The spirit of the preamble of the Constitution of our Union clearly indicates who owns the Union (Ghanaian Students) but the actions and inactions of the Union in recent years gives a different outlook.

NUGS for some time now is incapable of fighting for the interest of the ordinary Ghanaian student. The Union-Executives are burnt on doing the bidding of their political parties and godfathers.

They, on countless occasions, have chosen the path of disdain to the plight of the ordinary student and sided with the party in power. They are only interested in securing their own future and perhaps, getting a ministerial appointment after their tenure of office at the expense of the Ghanaian Student.

This is the time to fight for our Union.


Good leadership was always at the citadel of everything during the glory days of NUGS. Good leadership gives you a sense of purpose. It's passion inherent and direction driven.

Bad leadership destroys a good Union. The leadership of our Union today is weak, lacks the zeal, passion and revolutionary spirit.

Today, we cannot for once prepare human centered policies to government. We are unable to have a common front and position on national issues. We have lost our position as the conscience of the nation.

Because we allowed, godfathers, politicians and despotic leaders to break into our ranks, we are now a subject of public ridicule.


Good Unions and organizations are those with better leaders, good members, rich history and are aware of what lies ahead in the future.

What is the direction of NUGS?

Where do we envisage to be in the next 10-20 years?

It's important we understand where we are coming from, where we are and where we are going.

The direction of our Union is dark and unseen. Selfishness, greed, sycophancy, obsequiousness, evil and sheer wickedness has been the lot at the moment.

Nobody seems to care about the ordinary Ghanaian student. The Union is not thinking anymore. We are not asking questions anymore.

We seem to be passive, dogmatic and unconcerned about the current happenings in our education system. Nobody seems to be interested in the future of education in Ghana.

What kind of products will the current education system produce for the country in the next 10-20 years?


At the time NUGS was vibrant, strong and passion driven, the Union was united. It was the only nationally recognized Student Union in the country. It was able to attract the best minds from all the tertiary institutions in the country, which more often, gave hope and believe in the Union.

The Union is disintegrated today. It is unable to command strong forces as it used to. We must begin to restructure our Union, look back at where we fell and join forces together. NUGS, PUSAG and USAG must come together and have a common front. It is possible.

The NUGS story

The story of the students NUGS can be likened to the story of the Owu brothers. A young and vibrant twins who despite being brilliant needed to pass through fire in order to have University Education. They never gave up regardless of the challenges they went through. Persistence!!

It is the same as the story of Odoom Benjamin. A young boy from Dunkwa whose father, irrespective of being talented, intelligent and patriotic, had his ambition of being a graduate soiled because his parents couldn't afford to pay his fees.

This is the story of the old NUGS.

The story of the current NUGS is that of a gentleman from a rich family who never had any personal ambitions but rather looked up to his father for direction and influence. The story of our Union today is that of a Spoilt Man

The Way Forward

There are four big questions that, going forward, we as a Union must begin to answer regardless of who becomes the next president.

How do we give every Ghanaian Student a fair share of opportunity and security in this new economy?

Undoubtedly, Covid-19 has had an awful impact on the Ghanaian economy. We are unable to generate enough revenue to invest in education. We lack behind in terms of educational infrastructures.

Many young people across the length and breadth of the country, from Bawku to Dunkwa, from Bogoso to Hohoe and beyond, attend schools under bad conditions. Their education is exposed to Educational hazards and infractions.

NUGS must begin to reshape the National Conversation on Education. We must begin to ask questions and provide policy alternatives on how the problems of education in Ghana can be addressed.

How do we keep our Union safe and seek for a better future for Ghanaian students?

Our Union is a welfare institution. The leadership of the Union, at all times, must be guided accordingly.

We must be bold and firm to stand against any entity that seeks to jeopardize the future of Ghanaian students. The Union must be ready to be at the table for the people they serve.

How do we make our politics reflect what's best in us?

All politics is local. The actions of leadership must be geared towards the collective good. Leadership is a privilege to better the lives of others. It is not an opportunity to satisfy personal greed.

Student leaders across our various institutions must be made to understand that their job is not to defend school authorities and management but to fight for the collective good of Students.

Ordinary students must be the final judges on whether there have been improvement in their lives or not. Let's give power back to the people.

For all our differences, we rise and fall together. Governance at its best is when politics reflects the decency of the people. There's good in us, let's invest in it.

How do we make NUGS the Conscience of the Nation?

Dr. Busia in one of his famous quotes stated that " when a man passes through the black clouds of suffering and lives successfully through pain, the experience gives greater depth and wider dimension to his character"

Being aware of our rich history and guided by the numerous challenges, we must begin to reshape the focus of our Union. NUGS must begin to invest in student think thanks.

We must begin to invest in students who can analyze government policies, see through the necessary loopholes and identify possible solutions to them.

We must be more nationalistic and forward looking. The affairs of our students' front cannot continue to be business as usual. The time to Reawaken our consicence and Re-focus is Now.

Victoria Ascerta !!!

Odoom Benjamin


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