
Prisons Service assure judges of safety after accidental shooting in court

  Thu, 24 Feb 2022
Social News Prisons Service assure judges of safety after accidental shooting in court

The Prison authority has assured judges and all other stakeholders that the accidental discharge of a firearm by a prison officer is being investigated.

A statement issued by the Prison Administration on Thursday February 24 said “In the early hours of Wednesday, 23rd February, 2022, the criminal court 5 of the Accra law court complex witnessed an unfortunate incident of an accidental discharge of firearm by a prison officer, thereby injuring his foot in the process.

“The affected officer is receiving treatment at the police hospital and is in a stable condition.

“Meanwhile, the Ghana Prisons Service has commenced preliminary investigations to unravel the circumstances that led to this unfortunate incident. The Prisons Administration wishes to assure the general public and all stakeholders, especially the judges and all clients of the law courts of our commitment to promoting public safety. Proactive precautionary measures have thus been put in place to forestall the recurrence of such an unfortunate incident.”

Chief Justice Kwasi Anin-Yeboah is also investigating the same matter.

A statement issued by Justice Cynthia Pamela A. Addo, Judicial Secretary on behalf of the Chief Justice said this is the first time such an incident has occurred hence has caused fear and panic.

The statement indicated that investigations are underway into the incident.

“This is the first time such an incident has occurred within the courts thus likely to cause fear and panic. However, the general public is informed that thorough investigations are underway while security measures are being put in place to avoid recurrence,” the statement said.

A gunshot was accidentally fired in an Accra High Court on Wednesday, February 23. The situation brought proceedings at the Criminal Court 5 to an abrupt end.

The shooting occurred from the weapon of a prison warden who was guarding a suspect, according to reports.

The officer was badly injured and had been rushed to the court clinic for medical attention.

The presiding judge at Criminal Court 5, Justice Lydia Osei Marfo suspended proceedings and reportedly, ran away for her dear life.
