
E-Levy is the surest remedy to job creation and roads infrastructure — Afenyo-Markin

By Dominic Kojo Blay || Contributor
Politics E-Levy is the surest remedy to job creation and roads infrastructure — Afenyo-Markin

The Deputy Majority Leader and Member of Parliament for the Effutu Constituency, Hon Alexander Afenyo-Markin has mentioned that job creation and roads infrastructure forms the basis of the e-levy which must be embraced by all for economic growth.

He said sustainable economic and financial discipline is the foundation in building a more robust and resilient economy and Ghana is not an exception.

Speaking in an interview with Johnny Hughes on TV3 New Day show on Thursday, January 28th, 2022, Hon. Afenyo-Markin stated, "Taxes such as the E-levy are part of the equation; the fiscal prudence comes into reality when we broaden the tax net and begin to channel them into safe networks that serve as enabling avenues to drive the economy of Ghana to growth. It must be established that manufacturing and public services alone cannot hold the economy, E-levy is crucial if indeed we are poised for growth and prosperity."

He indicated that government cannot risk going to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) at this crucial moment, considering the economic challenges incurred by the covid-19 pandemic which came unannounced.

"It is obvious the world is in difficult times of which Ghana is too has been affected, but we can also not resort to borrowing too and that the need to adopt the E-levy policy to address critical pressing issues.

"Notwithstanding government's effort to sustain all social intervention programmes in spite of the covid 19 pandemic, we believe the E-levy will complement the business of governance especially in the expansion of the road infrastructure and job creation for the youth," he intimated.

According to him, the Akufo-Addo government and that of Kufour's have demonstrated quality leadership in the allocation of public purse for massive and unprecedented economic transformation in the area of roads, health, education, transport, agric, energy, finance, sports, railway and rural developmental projects.

He added that programmes and policies are visible for all to appreciate just in thirteen years of governance as compared to NDC's twenty-seven years with no social intervention projects, policies or programs to show.

"It is in this light that we seek the total support of Ghanaians in the passage of the E-levy legislation to help sustain the economy," he emphasised.

The Effutu lawmaker indicated that in the 2016 electioneering period, the NPP campaigned vigorously on the free senior high school, 1 district 1 factory and planting for food and job policies.

True to the words of the Akufo-Addo - Bawumia led government, Hon. Afenyo-Markin noted that the free senior high school policy was implemented without delay together with all the promises made to Ghanaians.

"We have exhibited loyal, honest and dedicated leadership and proven to be good managers of the economy than our political rivals the NDC," he underscored.

The Deputy Majority leader wondered why the Minority side supported the approval of the E-levy budget in the first instance, the appropriation stage, through to estimation which was also participated by both sides followed by a report from the committee which was done on consensus and unanimously agreed.

He noted that suddenly the Minority made a 360 U-turn at the legislation stage over what he claimed is sharp division among them and pressure from their party base. "That 2024 elections will be crucial for the NDC because the E-levy shall heavily address youth employment and also expand road infrastructure, and that they ought to fiercely resist it all cost," he bemoaned.

On the brawls in Parliament, he expressed worry over the behaviour of members of the Minority NDC by resorting to physical attacks on the members of the Majority as a result of disagreement on the passage of the E-levy into legislation. "We have been in opposition before and there were serious matters we disagreed, but we adopted what is enshrined in the rule books in a civil manner, never did we go on this tangent," he intimated.

He pointed out that another tool available for MP's to express their disagreement on the floor of Parliament is the law court not physical attacks on MPs and Ministers of state. "I had no qualms about the minority' objection to the E-levy legislation except for the physical attacks".

According to the Effutu MP, agreeing to disagree forms the fundamentals of democracy "And I believe that the best way to go is tolerate each other. Ghana has gained global dignity and much respect with our multi-party democracy and so we must not create some kind of impression of ourselves with unfortunate brawls in Parliament," Afenyo-Markin emphasised.
