Thu, 11 Nov 2021 NDC

Akufo-Addo government doesn't respect Ghanaians — Joshua Akamba

By Japhet Festus Gbede
Akufo-Addo government doesn't respect Ghanaians — Joshua Akamba

The National Organizer of the National Democratic Congress, Joshua Hamidu Akamba has been spotted on his WhatsApp status penned down a message to Ghanaians.

The maverick politician bemoaned the unbearable hardship Ghanaians are suffering at the hands of the Akufo-Addo government.

"Absolutely nothing is working in this country! Citizens try to create employment, a better life for themselves, still the Economy keeps frustrating them and the woes of it is despite the hardships, the entire government doesn't have any respect for the good people of Ghana!!!!!! But with recent happenings whereby some of the stakeholders start to #speakout, my hope has been raised! Now I believe Ghana will be great again," he stated.

His comment follows the Managing Director of the State Transport Company, Nana Akomea's reasons why the prices of fuel have been skyrocketing under the watch of President Nana Addo and Dr Mahamudu Bawumia.

Mr. Akomea claims the promise by then-candidate Akufo-Addo to reduce the prices of fuel was a campaign promise which should not be held against him.

According to Nana Akomea, on the campaign trail, politicians make all kinds of promises, some of which they are unable to fulfill.

He explained that President Akufo-Addo's promise was borne out of the excitement of the political campaign and therefore should be disregarded.

Nana Akomea who was on Metro TV’s Good Morning Ghana show last week with the Member of Parliament for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablawka accused the lawmaker of making similar promises as a member of the Committee for Joint Action.

He however added that politicians should show honesty by apologizing to the citizenry when they are unable to fulfill a promise they made.

He singled out former President John Agyekum Kufuor as a leader who conceded to not being able to fulfill some promises he made during his campaign.

This, Joshua Akamba said shows the NPP has no respect for Ghanaians.

He is asking Ghanaians not to fall to the lies of the NPP again come 2024.
