Tue, 09 Nov 2021 Social News

Tidal waves: 70% of Keta land already washed away — Former Buem MP

Tidal waves:  70% of Keta land already washed away — Former Buem MP

The former Member of Parliament for Buem, Daniel Kosi Ashiamah says about 70 percent of the Keta land has already been lost to the sea.

This is a result of the rising tidal waves which ravaged houses and properties in the area over the years.

The former MP said Keta was once a trading and harbour city but same cannot be said today.

According to Mr. Ashiamah, the sea keeps extending its banks into the communities along the coast, calling for something to be done urgently.

He indicated that the tidal waves that occurred over the weekend is scary. “A tidal waves that could affect three constituencies is not a small stretch.”

The former lawmaker added, “It is supposed to be the project of both government and all Ghanaians. A project where we can use the local materials, not always buying looking for dollars and loans to be buying. We must do this thing.”

“Because it is a low lying area, that is why it is good for harbor building, but even that we will still [need] those inside to prevent the tidal waves from maybe entering the enclave of the ship.”

While speaking on Atinka Television’s ‘Ghana Nie’ program hosted by Ekuorba Ggyasi, the former MP said “it is not just about signing contracts and taking loans.”

He suggested that the nation has a lot of rocks at Shai Hills that can be used as sea defence in the Keta area, adding that all that is needed is the acquisition of some rock cracking machines.

Some towns along the coast of Ghana’s Volta Region experienced harsh tidal waves over the weekend, displacing 100s of persons.

Victims say this is the harshest waves to ever hit the area.

The displaced victims have been relocated temporarily to nearby houses and churches in high rise areas, while officers of the National Disaster Management Organisation are working with Chief Executives Officers and Members of Parliament for the areas to make life comfortable for the victims.

Even though many have called for the permanent relocation of the people, the local residents have blatantly refused, citing historical and cultural reasons.

James Appiakorang
James Appiakorang

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