
499 aggrieved law students happy with Parliament for ordering GLC to admit them

  Sat, 30 Oct 2021
Social News 499 aggrieved law students happy with Parliament for ordering GLC to admit them

The group of 499 law students who are fighting for their admission to the Ghana School of Law have lauded Parliament for directing the General Legal Council to admit them.

According to them, the action by Parliament confirms their strong belief that the GLC had been unfair to them.

Parliament had directed the General Legal Council to admit the students who, despite making the 50 percent pass mark, were denied admission.

The directive was given after Parliament debated and passed a resolution directed at the Minister of Justice and Attorney General and the General Legal Council to the effect that the students should be admitted.

The motion was filed by the Deputy Majority Leader, Alexander Afenyo-Markin.

“The General Legal Council is hereby directed to proceed and admit all the students who passed in accordance with the advertised rules of the examination,” the First Deputy Speaker, Joe Osei Owusu said after the debate on Friday, October 29, 2021.

Reacting to the development on Eyewitness News on Friday, a representative of the aggrieved students, Daniel Sackey said the position taken by Parliament gives a huge boost to their challenge of the GLC's decision not to admit them.

“We are so happy, and we pray that justice will be served… The Members of Parliament who directed the General Legal Council to do the needful are representing Ghanaians and their unanimous decision shows that Ghanaians are not happy with the unlawful nature in which the GLC is denying the 499 students admission even though they have passed their exam,” he said.

He added that they will get the parliamentary hansard of the day and attach it to their case in court challenging the decision of the GLC.

“We are in court, and we will do everything possible to make sure that justice is served. We applied for the parliamentary hansard, and we will add it to our evidence to make our case that even Ghanaians have spoken, and they are aware of the illegality being perpetrated against us. We are yet to meet our lawyers. Whatever he gives, we will go by it,” he added.

Meanwhile, the court has granted a request by the Attorney General for an adjournment of the case against the GLC to enable it file all of its processes.

