Mon, 04 Oct 2021 NPP

Alan Cash receives worldwide celebration on his birthday, as Ghanaians extol his great qualities

Alan Cash receives worldwide celebration on his birthday, as Ghanaians extol his great qualities

Ghana’s Minister of Trade and Industry has received messages from well-wishers on his birthday which fell on Sunday, October 3, 2021.

Social media was awash with several congratulatory messages of the successful Ghanaian politician who clocked 66.

The biggest of all the celebrations occurred in Kumasi over the weekend where the Trade Minister joined the President to tour some parts of the Ashanti region.

Interestingly, when everyone thought the celebration was over after Sunday, some lovers of the Minster say the celebration is a week-long one.

A group calling itself Alan ladies began the celebration from the Northern region amidst the cutting of cake.

Some groups also held their celebrations in other parts of the country, praying for him and wishing him well in his bid to become the flag bearer and President of Ghana.

In the United Kingdom, a group calling itself Alan Supporters UK also met at Bongo Bar in Tottenham with a huge birthday cake in honor of Alan. Leader of the group, Thomas Oheneba Boakye said “we cannot wait to be in Ghana before being part of this great man’s celebration.”

He stated, “His excellence and impact goes beyond the shores of Ghana. We here have all been impacted by his commitment to job creation and wealth-making.”

The celebrations could not get lighter as the Founder and Leader of Alive Chapel, Archbishop Elisha Salifu Amoako also held a mammoth birthday party in honor of Alan. He was seen in videos and pictures wearing an all-white attire just like his followers as they sang a birthday song for Mr. Kyeremateng.

The main speech that run through various celebrations was how well the Trades Minister has contributed to lead the country. He has also, according to them, been described as the face of the Akufo-Addo government in terms of achievements.

“What would we have done but for Mr. Alan Kyeremateng’s achievements at the Trade Ministry. Now he has practicalized economics and made it so easy to understand; create more jobs, make Ghana a production country and everything will be cool. This is why he is opening new jobs every day,” One of them said at the Kumasi Race Course market during their version of the celebrations.

On Sunday morning, Mr. Kyeremateng joined the President at the Church of Pentecost, McKeon Temple in Asokwa, Kumasi where he was also surprised by the church with a birthday song and a special prayer for him by the Asokwa Area Head, Prophet Amainingampong.

James Appiakorang
James Appiakorang

News ContributorPage: JamesAppiakorang
