Fri, 01 Oct 2021 Opinion

The cabal building brotherhood: The Sisaala dream

By Bukari Kuoru
The cabal building brotherhood: The Sisaala dream

For centuries, lots of groups have sprung up with similar objectives of achieving multiple tasks on their bucket list. A classical example can be gleaned from an excerpt in the best seller book, "the richest man in babylon". A group of friends get together make an investment in some lands and in some few years turn those lands into cash cows that eventually made them millionaires.

Today, more elite groups exist with similar functions achieving the impossible in the shadows or even in broad daylight. For instance; the Illuminati, freemasons, Committee on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg group or even more privately, families; The Bush family, J.P Morgans, the Rockefellers, the Rothschild etc. In Ghana, we can mention the Ahwois, the Addo's etc

Save to say that one significant key to success is the ability to operate in teams or groups. Banding together to achieve similar objectives guarantees greater success than taking the lonely road. Its possible but with slim chances.

The Sisaala man is yet to understand the art of group economics. Since the inception of this great nation, Ghana, the Sisaala man has had every opportunity at the top. To play ball with the kingmakers & decision makers, yet we have not been able to build a strong, identifiable group economics where we overly excel at and control at will including building a strong, core human resource base.

It's common knowledge that we are blessed with arable land. I dare say that the Sisaala enclave boast of the most fertile lands for food (cereal & tubers) production in Ghana. Unfortunately, We have not been able to band together to harness the power of group economics of cereal production. I have recently learnt all the maize has been sold to our neighbouring Burkina Faso. Thus, when we need maize, we go back to them to buy back our maize. Jesus!! I mean..whew!!

We have not build influence over time either through our natural resources or human resource contributions to the region & nation. Thus, we don't really matter in big decision making, or even considered remotely in regards to sharing the national cake as well as appointments into bigger government institutions. Because there's nothing to leverage. We don't have powerful opinion leaders/stakeholders who wild influence & can pull strings.

We can only do that first by banding together. The horrible attitude of undercutting each other must seize as well. I shall like to use the words of the Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, "We must unite or perish".

For instance, the political authorities i.e in collaboration with the Chiefs can set up a committee in charge of overseeing that farmers get the right prices for their products. Thus, farmers are not left at the mercy of organisations.

Again, the committee of in the Sisaala land can also back demonstrations with the support of their people, even though this is a pie in the sky wish, it is one of the surest ways to get this done.

If any considerations at all, we can look at the following suggestions:

1. Building strong traditional institutions. This includes having a strong, formidable, non-parochial house of chiefs with influence.

2. Develop and harness group economics.

3. Build a specific set of human resources for the enclave. Authorities of the Sisaala enclave must take a very keen interest in the human resources (Sisaala Students) in the various tertiary institutions both home and in the diaspora.

4. Mass cultural reorientation of the Sisaala people. The Sisaala Heritage Foundation is already doing a great job. They can be encouraged to do more with all of our support.

5. Focus on entrepreneurship especially by the youth. The Sisaala Rural Bank & the Tumu Credit Union can lead a deliberate policy to achieve this. We must deliberately create wealthy people in our societies.

6. Empower the Sisaala Youth Forum & the National Sisaala Union to operate. i.e develop a database that can be used for planning for the Sisaala area.

I'm gobsmacked each time I think that we are the exact opposite of what our name stands for Sisaala (builders). Maybe, if we just lived the meaning of the name, Sisaala, we probably will be better off sooner.

It's the 21 century, we must go beyond the parochial personal interests to looking at the bigger picture.

I have said my piece, peace

BY Bukari Kuoru


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